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Another update from my grandpa's condition, putting in spoilers because it's heavy (don't worry he's not like...dying):
Grandpa's suffering from delusions and shit because he's barely gotten any sleep these past few days, his diet isn't very good (they have him on a liquid diet because of his upper gastrointestinal bleeding), and he'd called me at least 10 times today claiming shit like they did surgery on him today where they removed his eyeball and put it back in. He also thinks that they think he's stupid and laugh at him when they leave, he thinks that they think he wants to hurt them (which he keeps apologizing for because he probably did accidentally say something mean to them), he says he can't sleep because he's worried they'll do something to him. He also keeps asking people if they're from 'the company' (even though he knows that he's in the hospital and is sick, he knows that) and if you try to push back against anything he's saying, he'll say 'they've got to you too', he's even done that with me.
"They speak Canadian, we speak English." - My Bible study teacher explaining the difference between Canada and America
Canadian isn't even a language from what I know, how'd she mess up like that
Doctor Bowser
Doctor Bowser
So Canada has 2 official languages: English and French. In the region of Canada I live close to, most people speak English, but signs and packaging also have to be in French. In the province of Quebec, however, almost everybody speaks French. So, to put it simply, the teacher (who is a he) was probably referring to French and accidentally called it Canadian instead.
If a man is a neckbeard or any other sort of creep, you have exactly 10 seconds to get the fuck out of my circle of friends.
More likely to be creeps if we're being 100% honest, but I mean for those of that are "normal" we're pretty good
I took two "What Sanrio character character are you?" quizzes. I got My Melody both times. I honestly thought I would get Kitty or Mimmy so this is a surprise.

Here's the link.
Doctor Bowser
Doctor Bowser
I got Gudetama, I think he suits me well. I actually didn't know he was a Sanrio character until now, the only encounter I had with him was on some random Netflix live action show
Update on my grandpa's condition: he's stable and they just called me to ask for my consent to sedate him because they're going to perform an upper endoscopy (putting a camera down his mouth to see if they can locate where the bleeding is, if anywhere)
Guys, is something wrong with me? I'm starting to get into Bob the Builder lol
Hey yo Instagram, yes I want gay fictional characters on my recommended pictures, but the criteria is it must actually be from good LGBT fiction, plz don't recommend me Gross Movie That Covers a Topic™. Thx!