The Official "I'm going away/coming back!" Thread

Callie said:
i've been gone for the last day or two, won't be back until at least tuesday week
im back but i've been thinking of taking a break from the boards for a while so if i vanish thats why
Callie said:
im back but i've been thinking of taking a break from the boards for a while so if i vanish thats why

noo dont go i dont want icemario to be the only ice themed user
usually i'm against announcing leaving but i don't plan on coming back. i've slept on this every night for weeks and i've made my decision. knowing me i'll probably end up coming back or at least popping in to say hi once in a while.

whoever is the founder of #puddinchat on darkmyst can go ahead and deregister it.

if you still want to keep in touch with me i'm on aim, skype, and stream. my username is mintytoucan on all those platforms. oh and dragonfreak or anyone else who uses minus world and mfgg can contact me on #mfggirc @

now's my chance to have the most topics
Take care, Mason, Puddin, mintytoucan, and every other name you've been called (except the mean ones because those are mean).
I'm going to Weymouth from Monday to Friday, so I won't really be around
I'm back for like an hour or so and I may pop in once in a while. Being away sucks, but I guess it's not all bad. Like IRL I now have a job, my own car, and a driver's license. Three things I thought I would never have. It's freaky. Anything else? Ummmm I upgraded my cell phone. That's right upgraded after 3 straight times of degrading my phone. Now I have a flip phone from like 2012. Yay. Also I became a huge fan of South Park. That show is so good at what it does it's almost scary. And I think that's everything new in my life.

So anything happened here that I need to know? Is everyone behaving without DF?
Well, Time flies and so do grades, i'm back in School but it was more fun than i expected it to be. Expect a major drop of activty due to school and constant homework.
That's wonderful to hear, DF.

On another note, I'm going to be leaving for a while. Can't tell when I'll be back, I just have some stuff I need to sort out irl atm, so I guess this is goodbye for now.