Homestar Runner

Uniju's Maid said:
Super Happy Nerd Time said:
Uniju's Maid said:
Super Happy Nerd Time said:
I really liked this years Fan Costumes. I have to give it to the guy who dressed up as the alternate Gunhaver from the Sketchbook, that was a good one. Also, I fell on the floor while laughing at the poorly done Strong Bad at the end.
I liked the Sticklyman costume.
That was also a good one, along with the Horrible Painting. I also liked the family at the begining, they were cute. :3
The Fan Costumes always make me crack up.

Remember Gentleman Strong Bad waiting for the good posture trolley?

You know, I like how they gave us three extra Halloween-themed shorts this year along with the Doomy Tales toon. That was pretty nice of TBC to do.
Coach Z is the most badass character in the cartoons.
He also has some mental issues. The easter egg in winter pool shows some of that pretty nicely.