What did you last watch on TV?

The Soup
Jeopardy! Teen Tournament

I am appalled. An entire category about video games, and not one Nintendo question. :'(
Wegmisbruikers and Da's je goed recht.
(Road abusers, and Da's je goed recht is difficult to translate, but literally, it means "That's your good right".)
In english it's named: Look Who's Talking
In spanish (it's a chilean program) : Mira Quien Habla
Although it's just what my family is watching, I'm on the notebook
Wheel of Fortune

(From Wednesday's episode)
A _ C K L A N D
N E W / Z E A L A N D

^ Nobody's heard of this place. "Avaland, New Zealand?" "Archland, New Zealand?" "H?" "F?" "Ackland New Zealand?" The only reason the guy got it was because the "only vowels remain" signal went off, and afterwards Pat tells them it's the capital. :eek:
That was pathetic.

The Soup

Clip from the Jeopardy! Teen Tournament: Cats and Dogs: _________ ____________

What is ... pussy furry?
Currently watching: Youp van 't Hek.
It's a very funny grandpa, but he can be really brutal.
Wonderpets at 7 am. We were bored, it was a sleepover, and wed watched every movie in her house that we wanted to.