Rate the above user's signature.

5/10 Gets a point because you drew it by yourself, but it doesn't look too much like Daisy.
7.8/10 too much water
Mega Gallade said:
7.8/10 too much water
But these Pokemon are Poison Type.

Freakworld said:
Strange Japanese People

5/10 for content, 8/10 for gif quality -> 7/10

>not being able to tell the difference between koreans and japanese

eh, 6/10, not a fan of the show the miiverse pic is references, but still rosalina the god
Aiko Heiwa said:
>not being able to tell the difference between koreans and japanese

Do I look like I would know that
now scoot off to /a/ or whatever board you people use
Fat Mario said:
5/10 Gets a point because you drew it by yourself, but it doesn't look too much like Daisy.

I didn't draw them, and it's supposed to represent my OC.

7/10 too bad the picture has to be small.
7/10 Zinnia's cool.
Nicely done fan-art.