Rate the above user's signature.

7.5/10 Because i don't like Ganondorf and because i don't self promotion
0/10 for posh spam.

And GS15, I don't know how many people I've told that that's just the way to start the story off. *>_<
10/10. You won't even understand my signature. I dare someone to comprehend it with a simple, straight answer.
10/10 for having a good and funny signature
(and i don't care what you think tell me the rule that says i can't do this)
Goomba's shoe -
Shining Yoshi said:
Every forum should have one of these! It's pretty self-explanatory - just rate the above user's signature out of 10 and give a reason why.
Note that it says to just rate their sig. Not the user.


1/10 Crazy orange thing doing a moronic dance
Dr. Javelin said:
Goomba's shoe -
Shining Yoshi said:
Every forum should have one of these! It's pretty self-explanatory - just rate the above user's signature out of 10 and give a reason why.
Note that it says to just rate their sig. Not the user.


1/10 Crazy orange thing doing a moronic dance