

No not posting a non-existent rule that is only followed by being broken.

No dividing by zero.
*divides by zero*


Thanks a lot. That blew my house up. :mad:

No posting an internet meme.
Ne tentez pas de consommer votre message.
Uniju said:
Do not try to consume your message.

My head won't go through the screen. Sorry.

Don't quote Ugozima.
Ugozima said:
*tries fusion fail*

Don't post screenshots from Super Mario 64

link to pic - it's somewhere on the page.

don't post a moo pic found on google images.
I have made this post to tell you all that you should never come close to even considering breaking “the rule”. The contents of “the rule” shall be clarified at a slightly later time. Why? Because I said so. Now, any attempts to break “the rule” are frowned upon.

“The Rule” is:

In your next post, you must not quote the infamous Phillips Electronics Compact Disc Interactive game based upon the subject of the wiki of which we are a subset of. In layman’s terms, don’t quote Hotel Mario. If it is only in YTP, the rule's not broken.

Booyah. 8)

(Just for clarification, "YTP" stands for "Youtube Poop" I had to abbreviate it because I wanted it to be exactly 100 words. So, it has to actually be from Hotel Mario for it to count.)
Hotel Mario?I never quted Hotel Mario. Unless by say i have quoted Hotel Mario, i Actually have quoted Hotel Mario.

Do NOT quote one of the greatest videogame quotes ever!
(throws basketballs at floor)

Do not not not use a maraquee with red text and size 50 text that says "NINTENDO IS THE GREATEST VIDEOGAME COMPANY EVER!!!" in all capitals.
What the fuck is a maraquee?

I'll presume you mean marquee.


Do not make a rule
That is a casual paradox, and is thus impossible to do if one wants to continue the posting. Do not put a picture of a boiled chicken wearing a derby hat falling on some guy's head.

okay... instead do not say "Do a barrel roll!"