What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

To Kill a Mockingbird

if anything this movie is worth seeing for gregory peck alone, he really did atticus's character justice
Love Live Movie

Their trip to USA is nice, but I felt sad at the end when mu's hold on its position to disband.
Warm Bodies

It's the third time I've watched it, yet the first time I noticed that it's zombie Romeo & Juliet.
Better than I expected, which was already quite a bit. There is a ton of continuity nods and in-jokes. I'm having a hard time deciding who my favorite character is.

Two movies in, and The Lego Cinematic Universe is already better than DC's.
Grunty Industries said:
Nabber said:
The Lego Batman Movie

How good was it compared to the Lego Movie?
depends on your opinion on the lego movie, but considering how fantastic the lego movie is, this one wasn't really able to live up. but that's ok, i wasn't really expecting it to. it's just a simple comedy, doesn't really make any commentary like the lego movie does
Scott Pilgrim vs The World