1,000,000 excuses for dying in a video game

YoshiGo99 said:
Hey Yoshidude at my friend's house his Wii remote died while playing SMG2. We were able to move Mario but he couldn't Jump.
Here is my excuse
765. Stupid Lightning Cloud in MKW mad eme spin out and into Lava.

I know it happens to me loads in the game. It does it a lot in Supermassive Galaxy.

766: The Dry Bones made me fall into quick sand when I jumped on it(happened to me in SMG in Dusty Dune Galaxy)
Double posting is not allowed

778:Getting hit by hte first goomba in Super Mario Bros
779:(Double-Posting)It is not approved of, most people let it pass so long as it is not used to often.
789: ooooooh, shiiiny-*BOMB*
790: I pressed the shoot button instead of the jump button right next to the nitroglycerin.
New Super Yoshi said:
Double posting is not allowed
Actually, it is allowed after three days or if you're updating something like for example a fanfiction.

793: I smelled cookies in the next room, but it was just a figment of my imagination.