Developing Stories: Raregold's Shroom Thread

John McAfee

'Shroom Consultant

"Hello, there!"​

Well with the advent of a new section in the Shroom, I felt it would be good to create an archive or backlog of the issues I am involved in. Other than that I don't have much to say, but I am very glad to be a writer for the Shroom and look forward to providing quality content. Also to anyone viewing the thread, feel free to suggest to locations to see in future issues.

My Sections:

The Wrecking Ball with Whomper Thwompite
Issue 167: Pilot
Issue 168: Deadly Hijinks in Neo Bowser City
Issue 169: Spending Gone Rogueport
Issue 170: Annual Pledge Drive
Issue 172: New Newsroom

Selling Out
Issue 131: Don't Get it Twisted
Issue 132: Swimming With Fun
Issue 133: A Geno-rus Offer
Issue 134: I Hope I Don't Get Taken to Port
Issue 135: The Biggest Boo in Real Estate
Issue 136: A Window to Homeownership
Issue 137: A Not so Cheep Cheep Deal
Issue 139: A Last Minute Sale
Issue 140: A Home For the Holidays
Issue 143: The Perfect Ship For You
Issue 145: A Little Too Waterfront Property
Issue 147: Becoming the Realest in Estate Dealing

Shroom Recap (Section Feature)
Issue 137: What's On the Box?
Issue 140: Interview
Issue 142: Cooking Guide

Guest Sections:

Awards Analysis
Issue 138: M1, M4, M9, M14, M29, F8

Poll Committee Discussion
Issue 146: April 7, 2019-May 11, 2019

Issue 190: December 6, 2022-December 20, 2022

Issue 139: Time Burton Fan Theory

Location, Location
Issue 141: Smashing the Ice Worlds
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I'm glad I've finally gotten around to updating these archives of Selling Out. I've got to say I'm proud of how the section is progressing and with Issue 135 trying something a little bit different. I think it is probably best to interrupt the usual programming every now and again so neither the readers or I burn out. As you read the section if you have any comments or questions, please say so.
Now that the archives are updated I'll get to take a small break from writing the section. This is mainly due to college but will allow me to get some new inspiration for the section. I really hope everyone has enjoyed the revamped section, and I look forward to writing it again.
The Archives have been updated once again. I do hope everyone has been enjoying the sections so far, I know I have so far. Expect more content in the future as always. I have some ideas for new sections potentially planned so keep an eye out in the coming months for new titles in the Shroom. Thanks for stopping by and keep on reading.
Well, time for the obligatory post since Issue 142 has been released. Looks like I forgot to update last time, but oh well. This issue of The 'Shroom was a fun one to write for. 'Shroom Recap was a long endeavor as always, but going through the archives really goes to show you how far this paper has come since its initial release in 2007. I am hoping to get some new sections ready for next month, maybe I'll continue Location, Location or develop something new, who knows? Also thank you again to everyone who was supportive during the campaign, it is my hope to make this the best year for the 'Shroom yet. This post is getting a bit long, I'll save the lengthy updates for Pitohui so thank you all for stopping by and keep on reading.
Yikes, this place really needed an update. I missed the last few issues of Selling Out before I went incognito for two years. Speaking of, it is hard to believe I stopped writing that section two years ago, and I picked up TWBWWT in its place. Time sure does fly. Even if my activity in the forums is relatively limited, still glad to be back in some capacity.
I updated the archives again. I didn't mean to miss the June issue, but my laptop quit on me, and I've only had it back for about a week now. But I should be at it for a while. I'm prepping some exciting things as TWBWWT progresses throughout the year. So we can expect some exciting things from Mr. Insect Hare of Wascally Wabbit Tech.