Packy's Countdown/Lists Thread

well packy since you refuse to update this thread i guess im just going to have to continue yelling at you

list your favorite rock songs of all time
Nabber said:
jesus is this thread really two years old

well, still review your favorite movies

i did it

Not going to get too in-depth with these, but these are my top 10 favorite movies right off the top of my head!

10. The Princess Bride

I first watched The Princess Bride one night like 4 years ago and I adored it. I had known Mandy Patinkin from Criminal Minds so it was really interesting getting to see him in a movie from 30-ish years ago. Also one of the most quotable movies of all time.

9. Spies Like Us

Vastly underrated movie that's become a cult classic, I think. Dan Aykroyd is my favorite actor ever and I've always enjoyed Chevy Chase, so pairing these two up was a genius idea and I thought it worked really, really well. Haven't seen this movie in like a year and a half, really need to watch it again. I remember absolutely dying at the test-taking class scene.

8. Guardians of the Galaxy

Favorite Marvel movie. Civil War comes pretty close, but Guardians, man. I just love how different it is from the, rather, famous Marvel character-movies. Obviously, the characters are great (although can we talk about maybe how much they're actually paying Vin Diesel for literally five words), the music/soundtrack is brilliant, and it just looks gorgeous. I'm so excited for Vol. 2 next week.

7. The Blues Brothers 2000

One of the most hated sequels of all time, and, I don't know, I guess I kind of get why? But I absolutely love this movie. I thought it was a great follow-up to the original movie almost 20 years later, I thought John Goodman was actually a really good addition to the movie, and some of the songs in the movie are fantastic ("Cheaper to Keep Her", "Looking for a Fox", "Maybe I'm Wrong", "Riders in the Sky: A Cowboy Legend", and "Turn On Your Love Light" are classics). It's kind of a really nice homage to the original with how many people from the first movie return for this one, also, which is really awesome.

6. Yellow Submarine

What a literal acid trip this movie is. It's insanely goofy and obviously makes zero sense, but in my opinion this is one of the greatest animated movies ever. For being released in 1968, the ~~~~aesthetics~~~~ are glorious and fun to look at, the music is great (although that's probably biased coming from a die-hard Beatles fan), I really love the otherworldly characters, and it has some fantastic quotes/lines in it as well.

John: If I could come in, here, I think the theory put forward by Einstein.
Paul: [singing] Einstein, Einstein, any any any old Einstein.
John: Could well be applied here. The people in the ball are obviously extensions of our own personalities, suspended, as it were, in time, frozen in space.
George: Uh, John.
John: According to the now-famous theory of relativity.
George: John.
John: Which, briefly explained.
George: John!
John: Is simply a matter of taking two eggs.
George: John!
John: Beating lightly, and adding a little salt and pepper to taste.

5. The Iron Giant

Let me get this out of the way by saying I haven't watched this movie in years. Like, forever. But I will forever stand by the opinion that this is the greatest animated movie of all time. Better than anything Disney has done. OK, hot take served. It's tough to describe this one just because I haven't seen it in so long, so have a picture of the actual Iron Giant because he's so stinkin adorable


4. Stripes
3. Trading Places
2. Ghostbusters

I'm a sucker for this generation of 80s comedies, which is basically what my top 4 are, and, for the most part, 4, 3, and 2 are sometimes interchangeable. Stripes with Bill Murray, Harold Ramis, and John Candy is a laughing-fest through and through, although it's probably the most risque of my top 4. Once again, one of the most quotable movies ever. Trading Places is so underrated; again, a sucker for Dan Aykroyd, and now he's paired up with Eddie Murphy. Ghostbusters is obviously a classic. Murray, Ramis, and Aykroyd are three of the funniest men out there (RIP Harold Ramis) and then theRE'S THE STAY PUFT MARSHMALLOW MAN

1. The Blues Brothers

The greatest movie ever made. Fight me.

I don't think anything will ever take Blues Brothers' spot. This is a movie I can genuinely watch 10 times in a day and never get tired of it. Aykroyd and John Belushi are one of the greatest duos in cinematic history. The music is top-notch ("She Caught the Katy", "Everybody Needs Somebody to Love", "Think", "Theme from Rawhide", "Sweet Home Chicago"... just to name a few.) There's not a bad song in the movie at all. If there's one movie I can suggest for anyone to watch, it's this one. I mean, come on:

Wikipedia said:
The story is a tale of redemption for paroled convict Jake and his brother Elwood, who set out on "a mission from God" to save from foreclosure the Catholic orphanage in which they were raised. To do so, they must reunite their R&B band and organize a performance to earn $5,000 needed to pay the orphanage's property tax bill. Along the way, they are targeted by a destructive "mystery woman", Neo-Nazis, and a country and western band—all while being relentlessly pursued by the police.


It's genuinely one of the funniest movies I've ever watched. I've seen it 15+ times and it still makes me laugh every time. Also, again, one of the most quotable movies ever.

Elwood: What kind of music do you usually have here?
Claire: Oh, we got both kinds. We got country *and* western.

Jake: The band? The band.
Reverend Cleophus James: DO YOU SEE THE LIGHT?
Reverend Cleophus James: DO YOU SEE THE LIGHT?
Elwood: What light?
Reverend Cleophus James: HAVE YOU SEEEEN THE LIGHT?

Mrs. Tarantino: Are you the police?
Elwood: No, ma'am. We're musicians.

Donald 'Duck' Dunn: We had a band powerful enough to turn goat piss into gasoline.

Elwood: It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark... and we're wearing sunglasses.
Jake: Hit it.

Jake: First you traded the Cadillac in for a microphone. Then you lied to me about the band. And now you're gonna put me right back in the joint!
Elwood: They're not gonna catch us. We're on a mission from God.