Favorite Games You Played in 2014


Everything that drowns me makes me wanna fly!
This Thread is where you tell you favorite game(s) you played in the year 2014. It's also better than Ice's because more flexibility

So my top 5:

5. The Legend of Zelda (original). I know what you people are thinking about this being a strange game on the list, and that it did seriously take me 18 years to play and beat this, and that it really didn't age well with its infuriating overworld and enemies (still not as hard as Zelda II), but I feel like this deserves to be on the list because it's the holy beginning of one of my favorite games of all time.

4. Ace Attorney. I am really glad I started this series. It was also my first….what genre are these games. Hold on let me Google the official term…oh it's a visual novel/adventure game. Pretty legit. Anyways, the gameplay was insanely engaging, and not only did you do lawyer scenarios, you also did detective work, which I was not aware of starting the series, so that was pretty big surprise for me, and I loved it. Too bad I haven't played the rest of the series, but…soon….in a couple months maybe….

3. Fire Emblem: Awakening. Also this year I played Fire Emblem 7 and Fire Emblem Sacred Stones, which the former would actually be number 6 on the list. Anyways, everything from the looks, gameplay, plot, characters, music, mechanics, all of it, was just so good. Even though this is my first and only 3DS game I have played so far, it will be really hard to find something that will overtake this.

2. Dust: An Elysian Tail. Oh man, if there is anything that I am glad I got into Steam for, it's this game by miles. First off, I just want to thank Anton again for gifting me this. You are amazing, and I still owe you big time for it. Now, this game is very impressive. I love the characters, Fidgit especially in all of her nimbat-iness. The battle system, for being an action rpg/platformer (yeah the genre of this is weird), is pretty cool. You have your sword which can gradually get stronger by buying some kind of upgrades that I don't really know how they work. Then Fidgit has some powers, which are weak, until you combine them with Dust's sword spin attack, and then ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE. It's quite amazing. And finally, the design of the game is BEAUTIFUL. It's probably one of the most visually pleasing games I have ever seen. All done by pretty much one person. It's just…just amazing the dedication that had to be put into it.

1. If any of you even remotely know me, you already knew what this spot would be. Yes, number 1 is Mother 3. Mother 3, and even collectively the entire Mother series, blew me away surprisingly complex plot and great battle system which can use physical attacks and combo off of hidden beats, or use magic PSI powers to heal or decimate your enemies. And let's not forget the MUSIC. I loved music of the GBA before, but Mother 3 just went over and beyond amaziness. You know the music is good when regular enemy battle music (i.e. Serious and Cumbersome Guys) is just as good as boss battle music (i.e. Natural Killer Cyborg theme and Hustle for Pride). And that ending, oh my God. Like people who haven't played this game probably here about the ending being so good, and yes it is. What is the motto for this? Oh yeah "Don't cry until the end". Which I failed and cried multiple times, but never as hard as the climax of the game. I was so emotional I had to stop playing because I had too many tears. Mother 3 has made a huge impact on my life and how I view games. It's everything I want in an RPG and a game in general. Could be very easily my favorite game of all time.
Really hard to say for me

I enjoyed Garry's Mod, Mario Kart 8, Left 4 Dead 2, Smash for 3ds and Wii U....and, hell, any game I enjoyed prior to 2014
well the only one that comes to mind that i enjoyed immensely this year for the first time is....

Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne

First of all i played devil survivor prior to this game and became interested in the smt series although strange journey and smt4 were pretty disapointing

this game on the other hand this game was phenomenal

Never seen a game that was firstly had the world destroyed within the first twenty minutes

after that the protag gets transformed into a half demon by a parasite going down his eye, where he wakes up in a hospetal where he looks quite different

well not entirely different but lol

human form: http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/megamitensei/images/c/c4/Hitoshura_Human.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width/300?cb=20080615023243

half demon form: http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/megamitensei/images/4/46/Naoki_Kashima_render.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width/300?cb=20120803041556

from there you fight a little getting some concecpt of the game.

You actually get your first demon who happens to be a fairy no less, as you progress through the game you learn that the battle system is actually pretty strategic

first off let me tell you about how defenses measures

there is of course, neutral, weakenesses, and resistances

howevever there are nulls aka immunities, absorbs/drains, and finally reflects

you can get extra turns by hitting weakenesses while losing turns by hitting resists, nulls, drains, or reflects

once you level up you can actually level up your stats to what you want, being supportive, a tank, or just an all out offensive character.

There are also different forms i guess you learn which can alter stats, change the various resists, and even give you new moves

past that is demons which you get one for free in the beginning, the fairy. However you learn later that you can actually talk to other demons for them to join you, including some requests by said demons and they join you if satisfy them(otherwise they just leave or give you free stuff).

Go a little along the way and then you can fuse demons, which can make even new demons, gain new skills, transfer skills, have different stats, etc. etc.

The game as you might expect as a lot of ways to play, it's a pretty dark game, but the story is really great(played for about 20 hours and i was impressed). Game can also be pretty challenging if you dont use your head, hell even when you do some later bosses can be rough.

Each area seems to be pretty big and only get bigger, the overworld is pretty big though, but i think you have to be careful not to go too far or you'll meet some nasty demons.

The bosses for the most part are pretty good and challenging, some are pretty easy though. Although about 14 hours or so you encounter a fiend for the first time, which is forced and you pretty much face the first real challenged, depending on your setup you will do well or you will simply die.

After that every fiend is optional

anyway there is a lot to do and really i was so impressed the game id much rather get a ps2 and buy the game

also if you like cel-shading visuals you'll love this game(although that might sound weird due to the game being rather dark).

Anyway really badass game, when i get the money and such im certainly going to get it rather then emulate it.