Should the 3DS get GBA/SNES Virtual Console games


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A "No", option is probably necessary here, but I would love the GBA games to make their way into the public 3DS eShop.

It's doing fine without them, though.
Icemario said:
A "No", option is probably necessary here, but I would love the GBA games to make their way into the public 3DS eShop.

It's doing fine without them, though.

didn't know you couldn't just click Submit vote and have it registered when you didn't select anything.
Because the 3DS is doing well enough at this point in its lifetime with its main software and other downloadable offerings to not require the sales boost the addition of such games would bring. SNES games have been on Nintendo home consoles for about nine years now. Many of the GBA games that were distributed to 3DS owners via the Ambassador program as compensation following a price drop that occurred five months after its launch have been made available on the Wii U. If they weren't there, I would support their addition to the 3DS eShop for non-Ambassadors, but to have them on both consoles is sort of redundant (personally I think putting portable games on a home console in an attempt to boost its sales is a terrible business decision).
As a player I don't really give a shit about sales. I only care about accessibility. So the fact that VC ports for the 3DS "aren't necessary to boost sales" is of no relevance for me. Besides, to Nintendo it shouldn't matter if they "need" the sales, only that they can get the sales. Sales are sales and throwing a bunch of VC ports at us equals more money for them for minimum effort. It's win-win.

Furthermore, "we don't need VC titles for both consoles" seems like an incredibly snooty thing to say. Like, I'm sorry that not everyone has infinite money at their disposal, but chances are a large chunk of Nintendo's customers don't have the funds to buy both a Wii U and a 3DS, so they'll have to pick one over the other. I happened to pick the 3DS, and you're basically telling me I should get the shaft because lol, making classic games accessible for both options isn't necessary. Those guys who bought the less pricey console can suck it.

I'd love to play games like, say, Super Metroid on a modern console, without having to purchase decade old cartridges from ebay, and the 3DS is perfectly capable of running those games. There is no reason to declare this infeasible, especially not "it's not necessary".
I didn't say it wasn't feasible. Just because I said they weren't needed doesn't mean they should be inaccessible to someone who doesn't happen to own both consoles. I admit that my statement by itself gave that impression, and I should have explained further. Really, Nintendo gave non-Ambassadors the shaft by putting portable games on the Wii U, and I think the system should be modified so that both eShops have everything that isn't a downloadable retail title on a specific console.
i dont even want gba games on my 3ds as well as snes, so no.
It would be a good business move to put GBA games and SNES games on the 3ds so i'm in favor of it
I don't understand why they couldn't have just chosen the 3DS for Game Boy Advance games instead of the Wii U. At least that way, the games could have been played anywhere, without being bound to an outlet plug or the Wii U controller's limited range.
I would love to have some SNES games on my 3DS such as Kirby Superstar and Super Mario RPG.
Virtual Boy games. Please?
Though, I would like Chrono Trigger and Pokemon <insert here>, so I guess I'm for it.
could the 3ds even emulate snes and gba games though?

(before anyone mentions the ambassador games, those weren't being emulated. the 3DS actually has backwards compatibility with the GBA through it's DS backwards compatibility, hence why the GBA games have no sleep mode, no save-states, etc.)