World Minus 1 Super Mario Bros 1


I bet that everyone knows this glitch and if you whatched the video of TheJwittz you already know everything about this glitch but i just want to cover him here!

Now the World -1 is triggered by going to the stage 1-2. breaking some blocks and doing a very precise jump. If you enter the pipes on the sides, you will be teleported to World -1 but if you enter the pipe on the middle you will be warped to World 5! There's nothing to interesting in World -1, it is just an uderwater level that repeats over and over again... at least in the NES. Because in the Famicon Dysk System if you enter in World -1, the world will be different! There will be Princess Peach's and a floating headless Bowser too! And don't hit the flagpole to high because the game crash but if you hit the flagpole low, you will be directed to World -2! Nothing cool here, it is just a normal level but in -3 there are Bloopers on land! WOW! And then when you finish the level the game would reset but you will be in Hard Mode. But this is only the beginning.... you cand load 236 WORLDS just made off of garbage data. Here is the way:

Put Mario Bros. in and when you hit the start button, remove the cartdrige, put Tennis and walk some steps, remove Tennis, put Mario Bros. back in and use the continue button pushin A and Start, and you will be in a completely new world. Cool huh?