Fun Facts About Yourself

When I was 2, my nana read me a story from a Disney Adventures book (Hercules, I think) every night before I went to sleep, and one day when I was 3 I was able to recite the whole thing word-for-word

I was able to speak at only 4 months old, but I wasn't able to walk until I was 18 months old

When I was about 2 years old, I could count to 10 in English, French, German, and Spanish (My mom knew German in High School, my nana knew French in High School, I was already able to talk near-fluently in English, and the Spanish I had learned from Dora the Explorer :P)

I could read the schedule on the whiteboard in preschool

Sometimes at school, I'd say something, and then I'd forget what I was gonna say next, and so I say something completely random. Kids would laugh, but I'd just pretend it was a joke and laugh with them

I had more friends in school who were boys than friends who were girls, and I'd always play with the boys at Recess

In regular school, I've gotten all A's on every single report card except for one B in Social Studies in 3rd grade (which was unfair - it was because I didn't turn in my project on time, but I was home sick the day it was due)

I was able to read 4th-5th grade level books when I was in 2nd grade

Those are all 100% true, by the way. I asked my mom about the ones about when I was little, so...
Rin Kagamine said:
The second I saw that word, capital and all, the below played in my head.

Did I misspell it? Or did that just make you think of it?
I have a six pack.
Congrats, that's actually the first time I've ever mentioned anything about my intelligence, so your comment is incredibly offhand and slightly offensive.
Yeah, no offense, ernesth, but that is kind of offensive.
I tried yoga class today
I'll be changing that class, yoga was bad for my nerves

I have to constantly fidget with something, I can't just hold still, so yoga was too hard
plus a whole unit on spirituality, I can't study something beyond my personal comprehension

I'll probably change to dance, or I'll take bio a year early
I have the ability to control clams and often times use them for evil
ernesth100 said:
That's just Shoey being Shoey. Shoey does what Shoey does, and trying to stop Shoey from doing what Shoey does it pointless.
Refrigerator Kirby said:
I have the ability to control clams and often times use them for evil
so do I
its hilarious to use clams for evil, assuming its not too evil
ernesth100 said:
Stop talking about that I'm eating!
For one, I think they were talking about something else. For two, either way, that's kind of off topic...

Anyways; People say I am a really good singer (and honestly I am), but when it comes to other types of music (like piano), I'm extremely bad at it.