Music Problems

Dracomon said:
Band uniforms are so awkward. Sometimes I wonder how I can even walk, let alone march.

Good thing I never wore them.

Dracomon said:
No I hate it. Everyone who has never played a reed instrument should feel better about themselves.

As a part clarinet, mostly alto saxophone player, I concluded that you speak the truth.
Mouth piece
Neck thingy
Part 1
Part 2

Top part thingy

Hypochondriac Mario said:
Mouth piece
Neck thingy
Part 1
Part 2

Top part thingy


Actually flute is just Mouthpiece and body. Trumpet also have valves they have to oil every so often, just like with most brass instruments.
And the clarinet has this lubricating butter thingy for the cork; same thing with the saxophone.

I do suspect that it's the neck, but I don't want to use the wrong terminology to confuse people.
Flutes are so low maintennance. It actually is really great. Just take a part the instrument, do a quick swab to get rid of the split inside (or skip that part), and you're on the go!

And putting it together takes five seconds. Though it sucks when your instrument is cold and your instrument sounds terrible for like half an hour until it warms up.
Anna said:
Flutes are so low maintennance. It actually is really great. Just take a part the instrument, do a quick swab to get rid of the split inside (or skip that part), and you're on the go!

And putting it together takes five seconds. Though it sucks when your instrument is cold and your instrument sounds terrible for like half an hour until it warms up.

It's not really spit, by the way. I think it's more akin to moisture from your breath accumulating inside your instrument.

I don't think I ever had big problems playing my alto saxophone in cold weather, but I don't know your definition of "cold". My "cold" is like 60 degrees Fahrenheit (around 20ish Celsius).
Cold is when you are standing in the middle of a 20F day outside for about 3-4 hours with about 3/5 of it just waiting to move, and the rest moving slowly through the parade.

I always feel bad for the clarinets who have to cut out the finger part of their gloves since their instruments have open pads.
I never experienced that, so I maybe that's why my "cold" never gave my instrument problems.

It's kind of hard to grasp the clarinet with gloves, huh?

At least saxophones have a strap and a hook that fits nicely around your thumb.
Anna said:
Cold is when you are standing in the middle of a 20F day outside for about 3-4 hours with about 3/5 of it just waiting to move, and the rest moving slowly through the parade.

I always feel bad for the clarinets who have to cut out the finger part of their gloves since their instruments have open pads.
We had to do a field show in the cold, windy, rain. Like really cold.

With no gloves on.

and I had to wear shorts.
when people don't know what a bass clarinet is

also when people can't hear the awesome parts that you're playing, assuming you actually managed to get an awesome part

And you guys need to give the brass players more respect. I'm a reed player as well, but playing brass is hard considering you have to adjust your embouchure to change notes all the time, as well as constantly buzz your lips, which causes them to wear out much faster. Plus switching notes is faster on reed instruments because we can just mash the buttons quickly to shift notes.

Omg, I am such a set nazi. I memorized everyone else's sets too!

Friggin Junior year when we were supposed to be 8 steps behind Front Sideline, and we were only going 5, and it killed me because we go forward in sets later, and all we did was just shift instead of going in a diag.
Thrawn said:
when people don't know what a bass clarinet is

also when people can't hear the awesome parts that you're playing, assuming you actually managed to get an awesome part

And you guys need to give the brass players more respect. I'm a reed player as well, but playing brass is hard considering you have to adjust your embouchure to change notes all the time, as well as constantly buzz your lips, which causes them to wear out much faster. Plus switching notes is faster on reed instruments because we can just mash the buttons quickly to shift notes.

Bass clarinet is like a Pokemon evolution of the clarinet; longer and windier, like a saxophone.

My sister keeps saying that her lips are dried and has a vibrat-y feeling after playing the trumpet for prolonged periods.
Thrawn said:
Critics are good in music. They help you better your piece and make more beautiful music.


It's not the stuff they said or anything like that, because there's always improvement, it's just that some days you love it, and then other days you're really not in the mood.
Thrawn said:
Critics are good in music. They help you better your piece and make more beautiful music.
not when the school band teacher is the critic
man he was nasty sometimes
Cold being an issue? Try heat. We had to do a field show and a parade in 113 degree weather one time in full band uniform