
Tauriel said:
Really I don't see the problem with Super Guides, Cosmic Guides, etc. So what if it softens some players who decide to use them, as long as those players are having fun it really doesn't matter, and if you don't want to use them yourself because it makes the game too easy, then don't use them, they're not a required function.

I agreee
Meh, I'm kind of yes and no with it.

With yes, I feel that it is a great way to really help players when they truly need it. I don't like "fake difficulty" when it's hard because you have no idea what you're doing, not because it's through difficult fights or puzzles at you (i.e. Figuring out where you have to go). Plus, I know that some levels in games - like DKCR - are just really hard if you aren't willing to put in like an hour of constantly trying over and over. (Lol, Platform Peril of DKCR to this day makes me annoyed just because of one minor mistake that you make and then time to restart). Not all gamers are going to have the same skills as you, and so allowing this as an option to gamers gives them the help they need to carry on through the level so that they are able to beat it like the rest of us. If they made it mandatory, then I would be bitchin.

With no, it's like them holding your hand and then little gamers don't really learn how to play difficult games because they don't try and try. Instead, they'll just play and kill themselves until the guide comes so that they can just avoid doing the level instead of actually trying to give it their best. I also hate the guides where they basically just take control of the player, which really defeats the purpose of letting the player play the game, and instead makes it to where they can just sit back and do nothing while the game plays for itself. I get the whole "we have to show you want to do", but that's the best they got so by not letting them try themselves? And even the ones that are just power-ups of awesome things is so cheap because you don't have to touch an enemy, and you are invincible. All those 8 year old players are like "omg, I'm so better than the rest because of this awesome power up; I don't think those stupid regular items".

In my opinion, Zelda did it the best. I would rather have something that is on the side, and not even on the level, that you can visit and get hints about. There's a fine line between what is guiding the player in the right direction when they don't know what to do and basically supplying them with game breaking powers that just allow them to continue relying on it in order to play.
What about cheat codes?
bmb, if you thought donkey kong country returns was too hard sometimes

never play ikaruga

Dr. Javelin said:

Every time I see this, I immediately think of the Senran Kagura character (she's in my signature) even though I know what you're talking about. Damn it, Japan.

Until video game companies implement advantageous features like the Invincibility Leaf and make them a mandatory part of a game's dynamics, I have no opinion on such features.
Dr. Javelin said:
bmb, if you thought donkey kong country returns was too hard sometimes

never play ikaruga


I didn't really find DKCR too difficult. Like, just some levels I had to do a few times until I got the hang of it.

And I have no idea what ikaruga is, so I doubt I'll ever play that.