Daily Jeopardy Clue


the coolest dude ever
"I'll give you the category, the answer, and you give me the question!" "If you're right, you go up on the scoreboard. If you're wrong, then you're wrong! No penalties." "With the rules stated, here is today's Jeopardy category:"


"And here is the clue:"


"You have until 4:00 PM CST tomorrow to provide me with a response. Good luck."
Do we post in this thread or PM you?
Mario4Ever said:
Do we post in this thread or PM you?

"Gah. Probably should've mentioned to PM me. Keeps the drama like on the show!"
"It appears I'll be gaining no more responses from anyone else today, except for the one that I received shortly after the clue came up, from M4E. So with that said, I'll end it a bit early today."

"M4E's response; What is The Godfather"? "You're right, and that puts you on the leaderboard!"

M4E - 1​

"And now, today's Jeopardy category:"


"And here's our second clue:"

"I was able to get 4 responses today, although I think some of them were joke responses..."

"Radagast The Brown decided to try it out, with What is 1995?, that's unfortunately wrong."
"MCD then came in with 791 B.C, which not only is completely wrong, but not even phrased in the form of a question."
"MCS and M4E both came in with What is 1979?, which is right, meaning they both get a point on the leaderboard."

M4E - 2
MCS - 1​

"With yesterday's clue out of the way, let's go to today's category..."


"In this category, you've got to give me the artist(s) or band that sang the following lyrics."

"Oddly enough, I only got 2 responses today. Let's see what they are...."

"Rocker attempted to get onto the leaderboard with "What is Michael Jackson?". "Official Jeopardy rules state that as long as an answer is phrased in the form of a question, it is a valid response. However, even if it is, Michael Jackson is not who we were looking for."

"M4E came in once again, he's on the top of the leaderboard, what did he say? "Who is Warren G. (featuring Nate Dogg)?", which is right once again."

M4E - 3
MCS - 1​

"With that out of the way, let's get to today's category!"


"You know the category, now here's the clue:"

"Three responses today, though one was clearly a joke. Here they are..."

"GD attempted to get on the leaderboard with "What is New York City?", which believe it or not, is wrong, as Albany is the capital of New York, not New York City."

"Rocker, well...."what is micheal jackson?". Nothing to do with the subject at hand."

"DF then came in with "What is Pheonix, Arizona?". Official Jeopardy rules state that an answer can be misspelled, as long as the pronunciation does not change, and in this case, it didn't. DF, you're on the leaderboard!"

M4E - 3
MCS - 1
DragonFreak - 1​

"Let's get to the category and the clue."


"One response, and it came from Rocker..."

"Rocker crossed out Leaf Erikson, and then went for "who is mikeal jackson?" which counts, so Rocker is technically on the leaderboard."

M4E - 3
MCS - 1
DragonFreak - 1
Rocker - 1​

"Category and clue coming right now."


"Three responses today, let's see what we got..."

"Mariofan169 attempted with "What is Brazil?". Nope, sorry, that's wrong."
"Rocker, well...."what is north korea". Not even gonna say it."
"MCD said "Why is Russia?". It is in the form of a question...but still wrong."

"The correct question was, believe it or not, "What Is Indonesia?". So uh....clue/category, here we go."


"Four responses, and I also must apologize for this being late today."

"Rocker, clearly misunderstanding the clue..."What is Tony the Tiger?"."
"DragonFreak and BMB both chimed in with "What is K?" which is correct, meaning DragonFreak adds a point, and BMB gets on the leaderboard!"
"MCD, well...."How is Ω?"."

M4E - 3
DragonFreak - 2
MCS - 1
Rocker - 1
BMB - 1​

"And now, our eighth clue and category."



"I'd also like to encourage you to sign up for NSM's Jeopardy game; it's not just the daily clues: It's got the Jeopardy Round, the Double Jeopardy Round, Daily Doubles, and Final Jeopardy!
"5 responses today, let's see what they all say..."

"DragonFreak went for "What is Money?", nope, sorry, that's wrong."
"MCS and Mariofan169 asked "What is mail?", which is correct, meaning they both get a point on the leaderboard!"
"MCD gave me "When is more sacks?". Not gonna say a thing."
"Rocker, well....."what is dead bodies"."

M4E - 3
DragonFreak - 2
MCS - 2
Rocker - 1
BMB - 1
Mariofan169 - 1​

"And now, our ninth clue and category."



"I'd also like to encourage you to sign up for NSM's Jeopardy game; it's not just the daily clues: It's got the Jeopardy Round, the Double Jeopardy Round, Daily Doubles, and Final Jeopardy!"
"Four responses..."

"Rocker said "what is little red riding hood". That's actually a decent response compared to all the other ones you've given. Still wrong though."

"M4E, DF, and Mariofan169 all gave me the question "Who is Pippi Longstocking?", which is right. They all get a point on the leaderboard!"

M4E - 4
DragonFreak - 3
Mariofan169 - 2
MCS - 2
Rocker - 1
BMB - 1

"And now, our tenth clue and category."



"I'd also like to encourage you to sign up for NSM's Jeopardy game; it's not just the daily clues: It's got the Jeopardy Round, the Double Jeopardy Round, Daily Doubles, and Final Jeopardy!"
"Four responses."

"MCD, once again wrong, asked, "How is Winston Churchill?"."
"Rocker asked "Why is Obama?", which is actually our current president. Tempted to give a point for that one because you actually named a president, but it's wrong, sorry.
"DF, "Who is George Washington?", no, sorry."
"Mariofan169; did he get it right again? "Who is James Garfield?", is right, meaning you get ANOTHER point on the leaderboard."

M4E - 4
DragonFreak - 3
Mariofan169 - 2
MCS - 2
Rocker - 1
BMB - 1

"I'd also like to encourage you to sign up for NSM's Jeopardy game; it's not just the daily clues: It's got the Jeopardy Round, the Double Jeopardy Round, Daily Doubles, and Final Jeopardy!" (this is bolded because GO DO IT DAMN IT)

"And now, our eleventh clue and category."


"Three responses from DF, Mariofan169, and M4E which all ask "What is the Emancipation Proclamation?", which is correct!"

M4E - 5
DragonFreak - 4
Mariofan169 - 3
MCS - 2
Rocker - 1
BMB - 1

"I'd also like to encourage you to sign up for NSM's Jeopardy game; it's not just the daily clues: It's got the Jeopardy Round, the Double Jeopardy Round, Daily Doubles, and Final Jeopardy!" (this is bolded because GO DO IT DAMN IT)

"And now, our twelfth clue and category."


"5 responses."

"DF asked me "What is Friday?", nope, sorry, that's wrong."
"Rocker, well...."What is jupiter"."
"Mariofan169 and M4E both asked me "What is Saturday?", which is correct, meaning they once again get points on the leaderboard!"
"MCD, well..."When is Groundhog Day?"

M4E - 6
DragonFreak - 4
Mariofan169 - 4
MCS - 2
Rocker - 1
BMB - 1

"I'd also like to encourage you to sign up for NSM's Jeopardy game; it's not just the daily clues: It's got the Jeopardy Round, the Double Jeopardy Round, Daily Doubles, and Final Jeopardy!" (this is bolded because GO DO IT DAMN IT I'M SERIOUS I MADE THE TEXT RED AND EVEN BIGGER)

"And now, our thirteenth clue and category."


"3 responses..."

"MCS asked me "What is $2,520,700?". Now, I'm going to make a slightly controversial call by saying that this is actually incorrect."
"DragonFreak asked "What is $500,000?". Nope, sorry."
"Mariofan169 asked me "What is $3,172,000?". Nope, sorry, you're wrong as well."

"Ken Jennings, in his 74th and final game, finished in second place. Whenever you finish second in a game of Jeopardy, you win $2,000, champion or not. Ken had $2,520,700 going into his 74th game, and due to finishing second, he got $2,000 more, putting his total amount at $2,522,700."

"But with that somewhat controversial call out of the way, let's go on to our 14th clue."


"3 responses...."

"MCS asked me "What is Bob?", which is right!"
"Rocker asked me "how is mikeal jackson", which, at this point, I should stop even counting these responses."
"MCD asked me "Who is "I Lost on Jeopardy"?", which is actually a Weird Al Yankovic song....we're getting closer, but still no cigar."

M4E - 6
DragonFreak - 4
Mariofan169 - 4
MCS - 3
Rocker - 1
BMB - 1

"Clue & category #15."


"Well, I apologize for missing yesterday. We got 4 responses..."

"DragonFreak asked me, "What is a paddle?", which is wrong, sorry."
"MCS & M4E both asked me "What is a scull?", which is right!"
"Rocker, well..."what is an oar"."

M4E - 6
DragonFreak - 4
Mariofan169 - 4
MCS - 3
Rocker - 1
BMB - 1

"Clue & category #16."


"3 responses...."

"Rocker asked me "what is a tasty delicious pineapple sailing the ocean on a dingy", which is the longest answer we've had yet. Still wrong."
"Mariofan169 asked me "What is Oye?", which is wrong, sorry."
"MCD asked me "Where is Pedro?", nope, not even close."

"The correct question was, "What is Che?", for Che Guevara."

M4E - 7
DragonFreak - 4
Mariofan169 - 4
MCS - 4
Rocker - 1
BMB - 1

"Clue/Category #17."


"I got four responses today, and I will make another controversial call."

"Rocker asked me "what is january first, january first". Well, you got half of it right."
"MCD asked me "Why is February 28th, 1899?", No."
"DragonFreak asked me....well, it doesn't even look like she asked me, she only STATED "January 1st, 1901", meaning, she is wrong."
"M4E, well, he asked "What is January 1st, 1901, which...yeah."

M4E - 8
DragonFreak - 4
Mariofan169 - 4
MCS - 4
Rocker - 1
BMB - 1

"Clue/Category #18."

