United States Presidential Election, 2012

Dr. Javelin said:
The Evil Midnight Bomber What Bombs at Midnight said:
that actually makes sense 8)
Did you just agree with something good...about Santorum?

Your euphoria in the triumph has gotten to you, no doubt.

I'm not saying that he's right, I'm saying that I see why he believes that and that it's a reasonable thing to believe.
This whole process was a waste of time, as Obama is gonna get re-elected. I think Santorum will be back campaigning in 2015-16, and we may see some new people as well, like Chris Christie, Paul Ryan, and Marco Rubio. But Romney... he'll be history.
Post-Damage Invincibility said:
and we may see some new people as well, like Chris Christie
Who agreed with his recent quote?

"America is turning into a nation of people sitting on their couches waiting for their next welfare check."

The funny part was, CNN put in with the article a recent poll said that about 50% of Americans receive welfare. 50% of the comments were arguing against his quote and saying he was ignorant or whatever.

Coincidence? I think not.
Dr. Javelin said:
Post-Damage Invincibility said:
and we may see some new people as well, like Chris Christie
Who agreed with his recent quote?

"America is turning into a nation of people sitting on their couches waiting for their next welfare check."

The funny part was, CNN put in with the article a recent poll said that about 50% of Americans receive welfare. 50% of the comments were arguing against his quote and saying he was ignorant or whatever.

Coincidence? I think not.
Look satistics never lie even when they lie
Dr. Javelin said:
The funny part was, CNN put in with the article a recent poll said that about 50% of Americans receive welfare. 50% of the comments were arguing against his quote and saying he was ignorant or whatever.

Coincidence? I think not.

i think it is.

50% of Americans receive welfare? That's the blatantly untrue. There are so, so many holes in that that I'm sure you must have misread it- CNN does not have the balls to make up something so insane.

Your argument is awfully arrogant and black-and-white; "There's a poll that says 50% of Americans are on welfare! Even though this is obviously false, I will use it to assume that since half of the people in the comments section think Chris Christie is a shithead, they must be on welfare!"

What's wrong with being on welfare, anyway? As long as you're not abusing it, as long as you're genuinely trying to get a job?

You might be joking, in which case I apologize for all this, but one really can't overestimate insanity when it comes to politics. There was a dude who compared legalizing gay marriage is equal to legalizing slavery, after all.

Besides, isn't CNN part of the evil liberal nazi socialist commie Muslim gay conspiracy? The "lamestream media"?

(my hands went berserk and tried to strangle me when i typed those last two words)
There's absolutely nothing wrong with welfare if the person recieving it is honestly trying to get back on their feet.

Look, I'm posting the link to the Chris Christie article now. And looking back, I apologize. It's only 33% of Americans that recieve welfare; the other 17% is
As long as you're not abusing it, as long as you're genuinely trying to get a job?
So, uh... you don't have to apologize for that post, I go genuinely feel this way, but it surely would be nice if you would at least understand my side on this and not flip out or anything. Agree to disagree, if you will.

Hope this clears up any incorrect presumptions you made about my previous post.
i honestly don't even care about what romney does anymore

or obama for that matter

it's just like these are my choices really are you serious
I don't know if we can survive more Obama and Romney gets on my nerves. I think I'll buy a small piece of land from a third world country, develop some nuclear weapons, and make my own country.
I'd say come to Australia but our own government is socialist, and you Americans just won't leave us alone anyway.
socialism > fascism

everyone knows its impossible to survive more than a day in australia, though
Banjo said:
I don't know if we can survive more Obama and Romney gets on my nerves. I think I'll buy a small piece of land from a third world country, develop some nuclear weapons, and make my own country.
Actually, you're still reasonably free in the US if you own your own land and pay your taxes.

My grandparents own their own land, so they don't have to deal with a bunch of silly regulations that cities put up sometimes.
LAWL a VP nom is picked and everyone stops talking about it.
American politics....lol.

What is your politics even about? The economy? And do you vote for who is going to be President, or which party is in power?

I still find it weird voting is optional in America. Who would vote if you don't need to?
purple yoshi, you do realise their politics and election process is kind of similar to us, right? if you're going to be condescending and dismissive, at least do some research

also compulsory voting is the plague of Australian politics

or at least it would be if Australian politics wasn't already the plague of Australian politics
Purple Yoshi said:
What is your politics even about? The economy? And do you vote for who is going to be President, or which party is in power?

I still find it weird voting is optional in America. Who would vote if you don't need to?
It's about everything that we'd like to change but never will, thanks to a deep divide between the main ruling parties.

And people don't vote for anything other than extending their welfare rights so they can sit back and let the government run out of money so they don't have to anything else in their pampered lives.

See Occupy Wall Street and the spoilered post of mine for my POV on this.
Jack Noir said:
There's absolutely nothing wrong with welfare if the person recieving it is honestly trying to get back on their feet.

Look, I'm posting the link to the Chris Christie article now. And looking back, I apologize. It's only 33% of Americans that recieve welfare; the other 17% is
As long as you're not abusing it, as long as you're genuinely trying to get a job?
So, uh... you don't have to apologize for that post, I do genuinely feel this way, but it surely would be nice if you would at least understand my side on this and not flip out or anything. Agree to disagree, if you will.

Hope this clears up any incorrect presumptions you made about my previous post.
I'm not really looking forward to this election.

You've got a conservative trying to pass off as a liberal.

You've got a liberal trying to pass off as a conservative.

And then you've got Ron Paul whom everyone hates.