Why can't guests no longer look at topic storage


Celestial Guide
Because when I went offline, the board seemed to be missing.
I'll message porple about this NSY.
mindless junk also appears to be missing

perhaps it's because topics from mindless junk are also in topic storage, and mindless junk might give the forum a bad name
Porple replyed to the message i sent about this and he saided The MJ reason.
Bowser45 said:
Kingbowser99 said:
and mindless junk might give the forum a bad name

mj is like the best board
mindless junk is the scum port of the galaxy, infested with thousands of you's, but that's not the point

point is, mindless junk is full of, well, mindless junk, and although we encourage fun stuff, I doubt we want guests to see this as soon as they come here
I can't even see topic storage while logged in.
Kingbowser99 said:
so I nailed the reasoning? Nailed it to the wall with 8-inch nails and a dozen staples?
Didn't you get screwed?
Same reason most people can't see Mindless Junk II.