Do you usually play Wii U games on the TV, or on the GamePad?


Artisanal Cheese Taster
I generally look at the GamePad, since I don't have an HDTV, but what about the rest of you?
I play my Wii U games on my HDTV, so I look at the TV screen.
Depends on the game, though I mostly play by looking at the TV.
It differs per game.
For example:
I play NSMBU on my GamePad, because it's a bit faster than my TV.
I play Nintendo Land on my TV, because both outputs different Video.
That's because AV is less resource-heavy than HDMI.
I have a Component Capture Card and HDMI Capture Card myself, there's no delay on the Component one, while on the HDMI, there's 5 seconds of delay (that's why it requires 2 HDMI Cables, one going to the TV, and the other going to the Console).
Actually, it is.
Not really, as you have to play while recording.
Games such as Nintendo Land and Game & Wario I look at the TV, but for platformers such as NSMBU I look at the GamePad as it's easier to control.
It has no use, the Capture Card already has an HDMI Splitter built-in.
We're talking about 2 different things, right now.
I say the App has this delay, not the splitter.