Give the above user a warning for a stupid reason!

Usernames starting with A are violating rule 34829293949. Please stop or you will be banned.
Usernames with ' in them is against rule 45378269528326478552486430785032467591567483976277453594376785678, if you continue, you will being blocked for a decade.
Having your user name counting down from 4 to 1 is against rule 9876543210.

9876543210. No having user names with numbers counting down or up.

If you continue to do this, you will be banned for 9876543210 days.
Sir, you have been warned several times; do not make people address you as LordKingFawful. I'm afraid that your constant misbehaving has resulted in a temporary ban.
Calling me a top had when I am a camera is a strict violation of rule 1.33333333333, you will now be blocked for a nanosecond.
Using a computer is against rule 546391354635674395273874444444444444444444444449, if you don't behave, you will be banned fore a few minutes.
This is give the above user a warning for a stupid reason, not block the above user for a stupid reason, if you do not go back were you came from, you will be banned.
Being a witch is against rule 666.

No witches, demons or any type of monster is allowed on this wiki. This also applies to anything that pertains to them as well. (e.g. avatars, signatures, usernames etc.)

If you continue to do this, you will be banned for 666 years.