Most Annoying Video Game Bosses


King Bowser
Not necessarily HARD, but these guys make you wanna pull your hair out.

I choose Hitoshura from Digital Devil Saga, whose battle is so annoying and so hard that I've got him as my avatar. He's also the protag of Nocturne.

First, the annoyances, Hitoshura knows FIVE MOVES. And each of his six demons, well, they each know four. And this is a long battle, so if you lose, you've wasted a ton of time.

All right, how is it hard? First up, you cannot have any subskills active that will let you null, absorb, or repel something (resist is fine). Should you have one, he'll quickly obliterate you with Gaea Rage, which is an utter kill to those it hits. You say you broke a rule and dodged Gaea Rage? HE'LL KEEP USING IT TILL YOU DIE. So no rule breaking. He uses six demons, and has two active at once. If a demon isn't defeated in thirty turns, it'll use Recarmdra, which kills itself, and heals its ENTIRE TEAM COMPLETELY. And I don't just mean the active members, I mean the entire team. And he can use a Balm of Life and revive the demon with full health later. He gets four press turns, and you get three. Oh yeah, and if someone scores a critical (foe or you), you keep the current press turn instead of using it. So basically, if he scores a critical once, his team gets five turns instead of four that cycle. The press turn and critical system is used a lot in SMT (and if you miss, you lose the one you used plus one more, and hit a null, absorb, or repel, and you lose all you've got for that cycle). Back to Hitoshura, he's got a great critical hit rate, so his team will be going A LOT. Oh right, remember I mentioned Gaea Rage? HE CAN USE IT. Now and then, he'll use Gaea Rage, and yes, it's utter obliteration should it hit. You have three options on how to survive it. One, dodge. Two, an endure skill, that, yes, has you survive with one health. Three, a special subskill that nulls ALL DAMAGE if you're asleep. Three of his demons know Dormina, which can put you to sleep. He has 18000 health, but when he's at half, someone on his team uses Mediarahan, which fully heals all of his active members (including himself). This healing is only done once, but the thirty turns for the demons doesn't reset due to Mediarahan, so they'll be fully healed and you have to work even HARDER to take them down before they use Recarmdra. And also, you pretty much have to be at lv. 99 to even stand a chance. Also, a normal attack on him does about 300 damage, and he basically has 27000 health...900 HITS ON HIM TO WIN. And you'll prolly be healing your current team of three a lot (you also have two on standby). So it'll take even more. THANKFULLY, when he falls, the battle's over, and you don't have to finish off the demons. Also, Digital Devil Saga is one of the few SMT games where you can actually CONTINUE should the team leader fall (usually, it's game over). This battle, on average, takes an hour and a half. Also, the NORMAL ENCOUNTER MUSIC FROM NOCTURNE PLAYS. While I must admit that the normal encounter music to Nocturne is awesome, really. The NORMAL ENCOUNTER MUSIC. This shows that to him, you're just a random encounter. Scary.

I beat this guy on my fourteenth attempt.
Any boss that can only be defeated by waiting for him to do a certain attack, those are the worst kind.
practically every boss in Pac-Man World 2
Xpike said:
Any boss that can only be defeated by waiting for him to do a certain attack, those are the worst kind.

Looking at you DANTE from Nocturne.

He's got high defense, so you pretty much have to let him use Provoke, which lowers your defense and ups your attack.

And yes, I did just say Dante. He's in Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne.

Nocturne's producer Kazuma Kaneko was asked by Capcom to do a bit of artwork for DMC3, which was then upcoming. He did it, so Capcom let Dante appear.
Boolossus from Luigi's Mansion

I really don't know any other boss that gave me that much trouble