Userographies UltraMario's is up

Re: Userographies

its not like you have enough to write already
Re: Userographies Anton's is up now

Anton was born in 1946 to a normal family with two brothers and sisters. His childhood was normal and boring with him attending normal high school and stuff. After high school Anton went to Harvard law school and became a defense attorney. However after about a year Anton discovered that being a lawyer was boring so he decided to follow his true passion photography.

Or more specifically EVIL photography calling himself Mug Shot Anton joined the Federation of Evil Jacuzzi lovers and under the management of Jeremy Funkalton began a nefarious scheme of taking pictures of fake artifacts to show to artifact hunters so they could trick them into buying maps thus MAKING BILLIONS. And for about 6 months this plan worked perfectly until one day that sold a map to Hector Zimmerman better known as the Benito Mussolini World famous superhero and member of the super hero team the Fascist Five. Benito figured out that the map was a forgery and burst into their lair defeating and arresting all of them (including Anton).

Anton was sentenced to two years in a federal prison but was released after only 6 months due to good behavior and because of prison over crowding. Anton decided to use his photography for good and decided to become a Police photographer taking pictures of crime scenes and such. Then one night everything changed while taking photos of a murder Anton ran into Mussolini again who congratulated him on his success. When suddenly out of the distance came gun shots fired by gangsters EVIL gangsters, the bullets went through Mussolini driving him to the floor

“Anton I want you to take this” Mussolini said giving Anton his power helmet.

Confused Anton put on the helmet and he gained the ability to flash blinding lights from his head much like the flash of the Camera. Anton then pursued the criminals and stopped them using his newly gained powers. Soon Anton was contacted by Jimmy Jones better known as Francisco Franco y Bahamonde of the Fascist Five about joining their superhero group as the new Benito Mussolini. Accepting the offer for the next 11 years Anton traveled the world doing various good deeds such as negotiating a treaty between the lord of Europe and the Squid people of the Indian ocean, stopping terrorists from blowing up the moon, stopping the corrupt police in New York, stopping terrorists from blowing up the moon, saving the Cuttlefish from pirates, and finally once again saving the moon from terrorists (terrorists hate the moon natural fact). However after 11 years Anton grew tired of his travels and he retired to Central New York with his wife the former super villain Sylvia Slime and was elected state comptroller. After his term as Comptroller ended anton joined a little website called the mariowiki where he quickly became a beloved member of the community and an op of the chat room.
Re: Userographies Anton's is up

A bit sensationalist, but for the most part accurate.
Re: Userographies Anton's is up

These are pretty awesome so I'll give it a go.
Re: Userographies Anton's is up

In case any one was wondering the 3 other memebers of the fascist five are
Plínio Salgado of Brazil
Gyula Gömbös of Hungry
and finally Wang Jingwei of China
Re: Userographies Anton's is up

looks like a long waiting list, but i'll get in line
Re: Userographies Anton's is up

I'll sign up for this
Pinkie Pie was born in a rock farm on June 1st 1929. Life was hard for young pinkie pie for he had to do really tough rock farm things like moving rocks slightly to the left…moving rocks slightly to the right…and turning rocks into ballistic missiles for the Equestrian army. Then one day (a Tuesday perhaps) Pinkie Pie grew tired of the rock farming life and decided to got into the open world where he met Paul a Banjo playing Psyduck (who also taught at Kaplan university on the weekends). Finding that they had many interests such as Claymation, Gumby, exploding, gravy boats the two decided to travel the world via river boat casino writing the critically acclaimed romance series the Adventures of Chuck the Gravy boat and his sidekick Mrs. Geodude the fourth. For the first year things were good with the series selling like Hotcakes but soon the team was broken up due to creative differences (Pinkie Pie wanted the evil Ivan gfkslegnhrtjgklagnbsklmgssldfk to heroically sacrifice himself in the 105th panel of issue 115 but Paul wanted him to sacrifice himself in the 106th panel of issue 115. The struggle tore the team apart and eventually ended in a court decision that found that Paul was the sole owner of the comic series leaving Pinkie Pie with no source of income.

Left with no source of Income PP boarded a plane to Cuba and became a Nuclear Physicist (because Castor was like “hell yeah Nuclear Physicists”. Then tragedy struck and PP fell into a bat of Nuclear Waste (oddly enough not while he was at the lab but when he was relaxing on the beach). The Nuclear waste mutated him into Ultra Mario who decided to run for President of Cuba and despite the fact that the election was totally rigged in Castro’s favor UltraMario still won (by four votes). UltraMario completely turned Cuba around both figuratively and literally and created a great country with a booming economy then he moved to Albany and became Mayor of Albany. Then after being mayor he discovered this weird thing called a video game and discovering he loved video games he played many many many many many many many videos games. Then he joined a wiki based on one of his favorite series and edited then he joined a forum and then he became roommates with Scott Adams creator of Dilbert.
Are u still even doing these