On the wiki is a documentary called The King of Kong and a Fistful of Quarters. (Well, since its proper name is The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters perhaps I was fudging the title
but it sounds cooler like that!) It tells the story of how two men, one good and one evil, did battle to claim the glory of the game Donkey Kong. On the side of good is Steve Weibe--
the heroic and kindly underdog who does this all for fun--and on the side of evil is Billy Mitchell--
the cynical hotsauce mogul who's forgotten all about why Miyamoto made this game. He doesn't play for love of the game or happiness but for ego.
You know how a story like this has to end. Like Rocky to which it has been compared the underdog goes the distance and even if looses the match itself we will ignore the other guy and give the underdog the true prize, our love. Yet what would Cranky Kong say about all this?
We know how he goes on about youthful adventures--"Whisking off maidens and throwing barrels around the place seven days a week, I was. Thats how I got where I am today, you know. Hard work." --and berating his son--"Copy?! Who'd want to copy this game?" "I knew they'd have to have something like this. The Kongs will be so weighed down with all the garbage they have to collect, I can't see them getting past the second level. You can view all this silly nonsense and some other stuff I don't understand by pressing START during your game"--and goes on about his own games--"Find your little buddy and retrieve a bunch of bananas?!" Cranky snorted. "What kind of game idea is that?! Where's the screaming damsel in distress?!" "You'll never be as popular a character as I was! Why, in my heyday, kids lined up to play my games! The quarters were stacked on the machine as they waited for their turn! If you go on this ridiculous adventure, you'll be lucky to sell ten copies!"
While the very premise of King of Kong might seem the most ridiculous thing imaginable, we know that the old grouch would delight in it. I can imagine Cranky Kong saying "Take that son! When you're my age, will people still be playing your games like that? I think not!" What do you think Cranky Kong would say about King of Kong and since he is such a curmedgeon, would he really root for Weibe as most everyone else would, or would he root for Mitchell?
And by the way beloved, what would would the rest of Donkey Kong Island--indeed, the entire Mushroom World--say about this documentary?

You know how a story like this has to end. Like Rocky to which it has been compared the underdog goes the distance and even if looses the match itself we will ignore the other guy and give the underdog the true prize, our love. Yet what would Cranky Kong say about all this?
We know how he goes on about youthful adventures--"Whisking off maidens and throwing barrels around the place seven days a week, I was. Thats how I got where I am today, you know. Hard work." --and berating his son--"Copy?! Who'd want to copy this game?" "I knew they'd have to have something like this. The Kongs will be so weighed down with all the garbage they have to collect, I can't see them getting past the second level. You can view all this silly nonsense and some other stuff I don't understand by pressing START during your game"--and goes on about his own games--"Find your little buddy and retrieve a bunch of bananas?!" Cranky snorted. "What kind of game idea is that?! Where's the screaming damsel in distress?!" "You'll never be as popular a character as I was! Why, in my heyday, kids lined up to play my games! The quarters were stacked on the machine as they waited for their turn! If you go on this ridiculous adventure, you'll be lucky to sell ten copies!"
While the very premise of King of Kong might seem the most ridiculous thing imaginable, we know that the old grouch would delight in it. I can imagine Cranky Kong saying "Take that son! When you're my age, will people still be playing your games like that? I think not!" What do you think Cranky Kong would say about King of Kong and since he is such a curmedgeon, would he really root for Weibe as most everyone else would, or would he root for Mitchell?
And by the way beloved, what would would the rest of Donkey Kong Island--indeed, the entire Mushroom World--say about this documentary?