What if your avatar met the avatar above?

*is shown*
Gotcha Monty Mole (for now) was caught!

Give a nickname to monty mole?

C h a n g e r _ _ _

Changer was sent to box 14!
Kankri would say a lot of stuff to red and so on and so on and so on 'til Red gets asleep.
Hey relax, he thought you were a pokemon and wanted to catch you.
Lalala, I see a mole.
Lalala, he's an a-hole.
Lalala, no jk he's not.
Lalala, I make these lyrics up on the spot.
Hi! You look alot like me! But you're dinosaur while I'm a dragon.

In case you were confused, this ISN'T a reference to Nabber's fucking strange stabbing fetish, this is just me stabbing some fucking random avatars, because of two reasons. One, it gives me some sort of self fucking perfection, and two, so I can write this fucking long explanation on why I'm using the fucking *stab* thing so I can fucking well overuse the fucking word "fucking"
Calm your tits, I didn't ask that in a harsh way.
Yeah, but that doesn't really sound like you.