What if your avatar met the avatar above?

Daisy: Give me some too please
*archen uses rock slide and splats all the ice cream on the ground*

now how do you ever expect to evolve if you eat food like that
Radagast: I would destroy YOU for hurting animals if I didn't value your own li-

*Radagast is interrupted by loud clanking noises coming from the hall.*

Bane: Everyone hide!

*everyone in the room runs to hide. Before long, the door is slammed open, and the Pyro enters the room with his flamethrower. The Pyro slowly pans the room, before slowly walking back out into the hallway*
Wheeeee! Ice-reform!

[me=Xanthium]reforms into an ice cream.[/me]

Yaaaaaa! Take some liquid air, Dozla!

[me=Xanthium]pours liquid air on Dozla.[/me]
Dozla: Read what? You just said something like "htp hyphen slash slash" and then some weird chant. Icecreams don't do that, Icecreams are supposed to be eaten.