Big Brother 14

This doesn't belong in the spoilers:

I finally believe that the battle lines have been drawn. Since it started, I felt like there has been just an "yeah, we'll randomly put up people and get them out" and it's been basically up in the air. Now, I feel as though true alliances have been made, and people have made their place, and I have a feeling that guessing who is on the block is no longer needed.

That being stated...
Joe and Wil are nominated. Wil basically told Frank that he was completely against them, and would go after some of this teammates, and that he was the one that gave Danielle the idea all along of backdooring Janelle. Joe and Wil are teammed up, and they are basically against the house.

Also, they - the silent six - were thinking of putting a pawn so that they're alliance can stay hidden. Shane was willing to volunteer, and Britany was like "Never do that again." Mike was asking Frank to put him up so that he could automatically play in the veto, but Frank just wasn't very comfortable.

And yes, I'm labeling dates on my spoilers so that you can read them as soon as they are not spoilers anymore.
Well, Frank managed to win the Veto as well. He was debating whether or not to use it on one of them so that they could backdoor Dan. Of course, Mike Boogie felt like it wasn't the right time. Besides, Wil and Joe are against the house and they are going after them. I remember either last night or the night before they were debating on which one they rather get rid of, and if they made it to the jury which they rather have in the jury.

Frank - as of today - decided it would be best not to use the Power of Veto. Joe and Wil are still on the block, with one of them bound to leave the house at the end of this week. I believe that Joe will be going, but Wil might be going because of how powerful he plays the game.
Whoops, forgot to post. Darn, a week without anyone but me to respond.

Well, Frank and Mike are nominated, as you should know. Time to pick the veto players! Well, Mike picks Houseguest choice, so he chooses Ian. With Frank however, it has been speculated that he picked a chip and then redrew (now, whether that was on purpose or accidental, who knows) Houseguest choice as well, choosing Jenn. Shane pulled out Ashley.

In the veto, there was also word that Frank and Mike were cheating. It was some card game, and Ashley threw it by folding every time. The winner was Frank, meaning that he will use the Power of Veto on himself to save himself.

Right now, Shane is debating on who to replace, but he has basically made it clear it is Jenn or Ashley, more likely Jenn. There target is Mike Boogie this week, and if Frank doesn't win HoH or Veto in the double eviction, he'll be leaving right behind Boogie.

P.S. - On the Live Feeds, there has been a lot of feed changing whenever talk about picking players for Veto or the Veto events dealing with Mike and Frank. It seems some controversy is happening.
Boogie is out! Perfect. Now get Frank out, and I'm happy. Anyway, I think it'd be neat to see either Ian, Shane, or Brittney win this season.
BMB said:
Well, Frank and Mike are nominated, as you should know. Time to pick the veto players! Well, Mike picks Houseguest choice, so he chooses Ian. With Frank however, it has been speculated that he picked a chip and then redrew (now, whether that was on purpose or accidental, who knows) Houseguest choice as well, choosing Jenn. Shane pulled out Ashley.

In the veto, there was also word that Frank and Mike were cheating. It was some card game, and Ashley threw it by folding every time. The winner was Frank, meaning that he will use the Power of Veto on himself to save himself.

Right now, Shane is debating on who to replace, but he has basically made it clear it is Jenn or Ashley, more likely Jenn. There target is Mike Boogie this week, and if Frank doesn't win HoH or Veto in the double eviction, he'll be leaving right behind Boogie.

P.S. - On the Live Feeds, there has been a lot of feed changing whenever talk about picking players for Veto or the Veto events dealing with Mike and Frank. It seems some controversy is happening.

I heard about that controversy. Frank pocketed a "Houseguests' Choice" chip; some think the show either "gave" it to him or allowed him to keep it on purpose.

Also, after Ian won a crane game and won the Ball of Veto, he was threatened by the production crew in the diary room to make him not use it.

Something fishy's definitely going on.
Hey guys

I was watching The Soup and they showed that game with the lemons and limes and stuff

What the fuck was that shit
Rat said:
Hey guys

I was watching The Soup and they showed that game with the lemons and limes and stuff

What the *bleep* was that *bleep*
It was the Have and Have Not Competition. Losers have to eat slop and limited food and take cold showers and stuff like that.

I'm sorry if the images are in your mind. ;)
Frank wins......

Toad85 said:
Also, after Ian won a crane game and won the Ball of Veto, he was threatened by the production crew in the diary room to make him not use it.

Something fishy's definitely going on.

That's not right. I don't think they are THAT desperate for ratings.
New Super Mario said:
Frank wins......

Toad85 said:
Also, after Ian won a crane game and won the Ball of Veto, he was threatened by the production crew in the diary room to make him not use it.

Something fishy's definitely going on.

That's not right. I don't think they are THAT desperate for ratings.

Additionally, wouldn't it be better for rankings to keep Ian in the game? He has probably the biggest following of any BB player in recent history.
NO!!!! I like Dan as a player, but I hate the move he made. Britney's fate lies in JOE'S hands. (Considering Ian and Shane evict Danielle, and Jenn and Dan evict Britney). I really don't want Britney out.
Britney is out. But I loved that speech at the end.

I really want Shane or Ian to win. Joe and Jenn don't deserve to go to the Final 5, and I don't like Frank. I like Dan, but he got out Britney, so I'll stick to Shane and Ian.
A few things.


Just got to show everyone that again. Best moment in Big Brother history right there! Ever since they evicted her, the game hasn't been the same without Britney. She always made the game so interesting, even when she was about to be evicted with her bipolar Dan-Britney speech thing. " Goodnight Dan." "Goodnight Britney. *Evil Voice* It'll be your last!"

I was about ready to sing Hallelujah when Frank was finally evicted. It was just that moment when it was like, FINALLY! Frank was so pissed off that I was just enjoying the hit to his ego. He was even planning on putting a W for Winner on all his cups when he won Big Brother.

Ian was damn lucky he won veto. Had he not, he would have been sent out the door. Dan has finally won a lot, and definitely knows how to make his moves. He knew that Shane against Joe would be 2-1 Shane out (which he can't do to Danielle, yet.) and Jenn and Joe would be 2-1 Jenn out. Putting up Danielle was the only way Joe would have gone home. It'll be weird not having to turn down the TV when he is in the Diary Room.

4: The next HoH competition is in a jiffy. I'll have to show the results in a spoiler soon.
Frank and Joe out is perfect for me. And yeah, I wish Britney was still in it.

Anyway, I'll put the remaining contestants in order of the person I want to win the most, to the person I want to win the least.

1. Ian
2. Shane
3. Danielle
4. Dan
5. Jenn

Dan is a great player, but I don't think it's fair for someone to win twice.

I'm rooting for Ian and Shane in particular, Danielle would be a third.

Now Jenn. She's doesn't deserve this. She better not be the Porsche of this season.......

EDIT: And about this list. I made it in the beginning of the season (It's posted a little back). My opinions have changed about the houseguests so I'll say them here. Below is the old list. I posted the new version after the old comment.

Ashely: Don't know her that much. I liked one of her diary comments though. So, for now, unclassified. NEW: She was kinda funny when she was dumb but other than that she was just kinda floatery and boring.

Danielle: I like her. She's really nice and sweet. Like. New: Nothing has changed. Still like Danielle.

Frank: Hate his hair, so no. Plus some other reasons. Not Like. New: I hate him way more now. But he's gone so yeah.

Ian: Just no. Creepy. Weird. His comments are annoying. So funny watching him through the HOH room. NO WAY. NEW: Ha, Ian is awesome! Can't believe I used to hate him. Rooting for him to win!

Jenn: I don't like how she talks, but you know. She is kind of weird with the rock band, but for now, neutral. NEW: Floater. She get's annoying too on that commercial where she says "ALL DAY, EVERY DAY".

Joe: If his plan was to cook for everybody, than why is he throwing it away? I do like him though. I do feel bad that Ian was using his cowboy hat though..... So, for now I'll say. Like. NEW: How did I like Joe? He's so annoying and horrible!

Jojo: She's ok. Nothing special. I do see her getting fiery later though. netural. NEW: Same opinion on Jojo pretty much, but her accent was cool.

Kara: She seems like a good competitor for the girls. Like. NEW: Like I guess. She was evicted early so not much to say.

Shane: He seems cool I guess. Like. NEW: Same. Shane would be my second choice to win.

Wil: I judged him a bit at first, but he can be kinda funny sometimes. For now, neutral. NEW: Liked. Wil was so hilarious at times.

Willie: Russel's brother. I don't like the way he talks. He's ok though. neutral. NEW: Hate him. Just hate him.
My Order:


Ashely - She was always half-asleep and looked so high all the time, even though she wasn't.
Britney - Will forever hate Frank for getting rid of her. Britney is just one amazing person that deserves to win! She makes the game so much more interesting with her around.
Dan - I love the fact he's from Michigan and all, but I don't think he should win again. I love how he can basically be going out of the house one moment and then safe the next.
Danielle - Love how people make fun of her affection to Shane. Love her!
Frank - Biggest Ego, maybe even bigger than Mike's. So glad he left!
Ian - He is so much like me, that it freaks me out. I like him, and he's funny, but I just don't think that someone that doesn't really even want the money should win.
Janelle - She was okay and all, but I didn't really like her that much. She seemed too overconfident in herself.
Jenn - She has grown on me, but at times she can be a little...annoying to say the least.
Joe - I love Joe now! He actually got better as the season progressed, and I was sad to see him leave before Jenn. Also, you should check out Britney's talk about him on Youtube, about his nighttime.
Jojo - Didn't really get to know her, but she sounded rather annoying and slutty.
Kara - So pretty, and should have stayed over awful Frank. Worst move on the house's part.
Mike "Boogie" - He's okay, but I don't like his ego. He was pretty fun in the house though.
Shane - He is awesome, but he doesn't really have problem solving skills in this game. Is quite influenced.
Wil - He was hiliarious, and saw pass all the lies, and knew how to react to them!
Willie - He did terrible at this game. He did not have the skills in order to make it in this game.
My Order:


Ashley - Dang big smile. Relatively annoying. Glad she's not in final 5, though she could have gone a little longer than she did.
Britney - To be honest, I don't like Britney as much as you two do. But she's still an awesome person, and it was sad to see her go so quickly.
Dan - I love him as a person, I love him as a gameplayer, I love him as a comedian, I love love love him. But there's no way in hell that he should win the half-million twice. Give someone else a shot, willya?
Danielle - Am I the only one that finds it absolutely astounding that Dan almost sent her packing on Day 1, yet she's in the Final 5? That's earning your keep as a player right there.
Frank -
Ian - He's been my favorite from Day 1, and I've pulled for him throughout the season. Good luck in the Final 5!
Janelle - After setting the record for most challenge wins in a season, you would think she'd do a little better than twelfth. Mild dislike.
Jenn - Floater turned fighter turned floater. Not a fan, but not an enemy.
Joe - My other favorite from Day 1, though he's extremely annoying. He's basically what Frank should have been like: dodging eviction every week, but he doesn't hog all the challenges or have an ego the size of Naples, Florida.
Jojo - Gotta love the Staten Islander.
Kara - Never really got into her. One of my lesser favorites.
Mike "Boogie" - Man, this guy is awesome. His ego's big, like Frank, but he uses it only for comedy, unlike Frank. Like Ian, I have the utmost respect for him, but he had to go when he did.
Shane - Is it me, or is this guy the reincarnation of Jeff from Season 11? Lose the beard, and they look flipping identical! But unlike Jeff, I actually do like Shane a bit.
Wil - This guy was fun. But he made a lot of stupid, cocky mistakes later on, and he went.
Willie - If he was on Survivor or The Apprentice, he would do well. But, unfortunately, Big Brother requires a LOT of social interaction, and that's one thing the Hantz family isn't good at.
Guys, you are going to love tonight's episode when you see...

...Danielle put Dan and Ian up, win the veto, and not use the power of veto. Ian or Dan is going home (I am going to put my bet on...Ian.)
BMB said:
Guys...Shane. Evicted. Dan. Evil.

Kill Dan, I can't believe he just completely blindsided Danielle and Shane.
At least it saved Ian. He would have been sooooooo dead if he didn't have this plan to take out Shane. But seriously Ian and Danielle should team up and take down Dan! Great player, but no one deserves to win twice no matter how well they players.
Just finished Thursday's episode today.

And... does everyone just grow stupid when Dan is in the vicinity? First Frank, then Ian, now Shane? Is this guy a hypnotist or something?