Give the next poster an item

Awww, yeah. :D

Next user gets :).
*turns into :posh:, gives to next user*
What the heck happened to your avatar *kills it*

Next user gets a weird text.
Oh, thank you, now I can lit the dynamite!

Next user gets an lit dynamite.
Dynamite!? Aaaaah! *throws it far away*

The next user gets to play in a new Pirates of the Caribbean movie as Jack Sparrow's son

Next user gets a cassette
What am i suposed to do with this? *throws away*

Next user gets a 500 Dollar/Euro/Yen (whatever kind of money you pay with) parking ticket
*rips up*

Next user gets nothing.
MAKE MY MASTER SWORD GROW! *The master sword gets longer, and I slash away at the air for no reason*

Next user gets something.
"Award of failure 2013"... screw it! *throws back at you*

Next user gets a laptop.