Control the Throne

You also lack it, which means the throne is taken away from you.

Throne get.

Throne get.
Speaking of time, you use a time machine to travel into the past to hide the throne, but by doing so, you mess up the time-space continum and made me the ruler of the entire world and my first rule is that I'm the only one who can have the throne.

Throne get.
Ganondorf said:
You think I mispelled FALCO PAWNCH.

Throne get.

Are you refering to Falco from Star Fox? Or are you refering to who you are refering to, Captain Falcon. If it's the latter, it's "FALCON pawnch."

I recolour your avatar's beard and you run away to fix it.

Throne get.
New throne has no relevance of power unless the current holder of the Throne builds it

Continuation of Folding Chair Get.
Ganondorf said:
Folding Chairs don't matter and you make a fool of yourself.

Throne get.

Again, what throne? Try stealing my Folding Chair of Awesomeness, and then, holding the power to do so, make a throne.

Continuation of Folding Chair get.