Control the Throne

Nope, I'll just catch the Egg, and eat it up.......along with the Yoshi.

Throne Get!
I mass-produce the throne and send them all to Mars. Then I burn the throne you are sitting on and fly up to Mars and sit on one of the thrones.

Throne get.
I want to take the throne.

So I will.

Throne get.
turntechGodhead said:
I want to take the throne.

So I will.

Throne get.
Your logic-defying coups are somewhat amusing... said:
>>Dr. Javelin
I know what a Black Hole is/does, but I mean, there are no black holes that make an exception on who or what to not suck up.

The Forum's running very slowly.

Throne Get!
I thought you meant that black holes don't suck everything up. And I couldn't even get on for a while, so you could definitely say it's running slowly.

Because I couldn't get on for a while, all of my throne grabbing ambitions are bottled up. Now they are unleashed and I grab the throne.

Throne get.
You had so many ambitions bottled up that you ended up exploding.

Throne keep.

Throne get.
I am posting.

Throne get.
You already said that.

Throne get.
zOMG, it's a Lion!
Get in the car!

Throne Get!
Aqua Soul said:
I hypnotize you into giving me the throne.

Throne get.

I retroactively sue for copyright infringement, gaining the throne through a settlement in court.

Throne get.
You left the throne unoccupied.

Throne get.
I realize the error of my ways and wrote "I will never leave the throne unoccupied again." a zillion times on a chalkboard. Then I beat you with the chalkboard.

Throne getty git get.
I erase what you wrote. You start rewriting the messages, and I sit on the throne.

Throne get.