Control the Throne

You were sitting on a realistic fake throne I made out of LEGO bricks, while I sat on the true throne.

Throne get.
I sent out a Dugtrio. You guys can no longer run away because of Arena Trap while I take the throne and run away.
Your Pokemon are overrated. I have a jetpack that I use to Levitate and Arena Trap is no longer effective. Then I use Mewtwo's clone balls to steal all your Pokemon and I put them in a large box and toss it into the sea. While you weep for them, I grab the throne.

EDIT: You should have used Shadow Tag.
I am a mother.

Throne Get!
Such black holes don't exist.

Throne Get! said:
Such black holes don't exist.

Throne Get!
They might, and black holes do suck everything in past the event horizon.

Shadow ruined his coolness by repeatedly saying, "I'm the coolest!" when you battle him in SA2. You have come to a sad realization about Shadow.

I get the throne.
Dr. Javelin said: said:
Such black holes don't exist.

Throne Get!
They might, and black holes do suck everything in past the event horizon.

Shadow ruined his coolness by repeatedly saying, "I'm the coolest!" when you battle him in SA2. You have come to a sad realization about Shadow.

I get the throne.
True but he lost his memory so he dosen't do do that again and he is still cool.

Throne get!
Coolness depends on how others view you, not on how you view yourself.

That was one of the most anti-climactic moments in video game history. It still makes me laugh. For a fail of that degree, Shadow must be uncool.

Actually, I like Shadow.


Throne get.
>>Dr. Javelin
I know what a Black Hole is/does, but I mean, there are no black holes that make an exception on who or what to not suck up.

The Forum's running very slowly.

Throne Get!