Promote the above user to sysop for a stupid reason!

Promoted cuz Garlic?
Promoted because I rarely post in Forum Games.
1-Up Shroom said:
Nerdy Guy said:
1-Up Shroom said:
Free Loader said:
Promoted for saying "cheezeburger" too much, freakin' lolcat...
What's a lolcat??
Are you serious?
You never saw a LOL Cat?!?!? :eek:

Srsly!! ???
Never mind I found out what a lolcat is.
Lario said:
I promote him for quoting.
Promote Lario for having Calvin and Hobbes quote for his sig. :D
1-Up Shroom said:
ParaBob-omb said:
Promoted for having an SMRPG Rawest Forest quote in her sig.

Promoted you, 'cause you have Geno on you sig. ;D Geno FTW!!
And I promote you for you having no pictures in your sig.
Jesus Freak said:
I promote you 'cause you promoted Princess Apes.
And I promote you for not understanding the fact her name got changed.

Hyper Guy said:
I make you a Sysop because your username has Jesus in it. :eekdance:
Jolly well done! :posh:
And I promote you for promoting her.
I'm promoting you because I actually have the power to do that. :smug: