Minor Irritants (aka first-world problems)

I'm close to finishing a project, and I can't decide on dragging it out over the next few weeks of class, or just finishing it this week and having nothing to do. The decisions are so painful! D':
'3K said:
I nicked myself while shaving this morning. >:[


Now I'm afraid to chop my beard off, but it's too itchy!! I don't know what to do!!!!
'3K said:
I nicked myself while shaving this morning. >:[
Take your shaving cuts like a man, shorty.

my glasses keep falling off so I have to get them refitted. Or get new ones. Falling from a relatively great height onto a concrete floor generally doesn't leave glasses unscratched.
After having a fucking tube in my nose for nearly 3 days, I have yet another day to anticipate the delicious taste of colored sherbet. ;-;.
I keep seeing Prototype 2 advertisements everywhere. C'mon Activision, I already bought your game; what more do you waaaaaaaant?
I hate the word "file". It's just awful. If you don't believe me type it a few times.
File, file, file, file, file, file, file, file, file, file. Seems fine to me.
I'll file that information away for later, Shyguy.
Now why would you post that on a forum aimed primarily at young teens?
I was going to buy this to replace a sweatshirt I left in Florida, but they ran out of my size before I could buy it.
My entire house is nice and cool except my god damn bedroom which is like 100 degrees.
Now that I can maintain a argument-less relationship with my friends and most of the problems I was having with them are gone, I noticed how fucking boring classes are again. Not to mention that there's not enough free time to play multiplayer games with friends anymore due to the overload of random bullshit work were getting.
My room is always warmer than every other room in my house. This is both a good thing and a bad thing. Right now it's a bad thing.
Mariomario64 said:
My room is always warmer than every other room in my house. This is both a good thing and a bad thing. Right now it's a bad thing.

I have a similar situation, when the heater in our house is off, I find it just right while my family finds it cold. When its on, I start heating up, getting red, and just completely hot, while my family is perfectly fine. I usually resort to opening my window to let cold air in but I don't understand how I'm the only one that feels the heat.
I hate my pen! It has this eraser, but every time I use it, it just goes in the pen again! It's so annoying, AND I have to extend my hand to get my external eraser!! It's so annoying!!!
Note to self: Never keep you scientific and graphing calculators in the same pencil case as your pencils for an entire school year. They will get dirty and you will have to almost ruin an eraser trying to clean it off.
So I uncrated an Unusual Vintage Tyrolean on Team Fortress 2 today, and since the Vintage Tyrolean is the default Medic hat I always wear, I decided to just go with the unusual instead. Now whenever I pub, people bother me about purchasing the hat when I just want to play. Help me.
wow, fuck off, gamefreak. You don't even play Medic.

if I find an Unusual Waxy Wayfinder, I'll be sure to give it to you, absolutely free