Tumblr Thread

Re: I guess I'm using tumblr

When I had left for a few days, I deleted my Tumblr and created a new one, so...

Re: I guess I'm using tumblr

i'd get a tumblr if it didn't freeze my internet
So, I'm still not using my personal account heavily (I don't read my dash any more) but I do repost anything I happen to really like on somebody's page (like one of Nabber's more recent posts), and any thought bubbles I might have. So, yeah, I guess I didn't completely leave. It's still http://fantanoice.tumblr.com for those curious.

On another note, however, I've really started to put a lot of work into my dev blog by getting a domain name and actually putting up some content. I just wish Uni would stop getting in the way of me actually doing work, you know? :P Anyway, I would be really cool if you could follow that and support the weird projects I do in my life which I'll probably never release. I also sometimes put up little tutorials of things I come across in my day-to-day life so if you're curious about vicariously learning little programming / art / game design / etc tidbits through then you might be interested in that as well:

My most recent postings were a bunch of Pokemon splices I did back in high school which were basically my first introduction into working with sprite art. I'm still pretty bad and have a tricky time doing dithering and stuff, but one day I'll be the master.

Hans said:
i'd get a tumblr if it didn't freeze my internet
Turn off endless scrolling.
oh yeah mine is http://psychokamek.tumblr.com/ btw
Morty said:
Snake said:
Decided to use my tumblr for once

(I know a copied a few over from each other as I was getting the hand of using it)
Follow if you want

The day everything changed. It's like I'm reading a history book.
What do you mean
I'm at a differant url anyway now
by the way, i'd prefer if you could refer to me on tumblr as josh for consistency (so i don't confuse my other followers about my name)
Elsa said:
by the way, i'd prefer if you could refer to me on tumblr as josh for consistency (so i don't confuse my other followers about my name)
Not Nabs D:?
Ok, I will refer to you as that in future..
Snake said:
Elsa said:
by the way, i'd prefer if you could refer to me on tumblr as josh for consistency (so i don't confuse my other followers about my name)
Not Nabs D:?
Ok, I will refer to you as that in future..
believe me, i am just as distraught as you are
Dracomon said:
So, yeah, I accidentally made a thing: http://dragonfreak68.tumblr.com

I might or might not use this. Chances are I will. I've followed pretty much everybody ITT.
Thanks a million for following my dev one, like, it was looking so lonely with its 2 followers.

Also thanks for following my regular one, and samezies to other people that did. :P
i'm thinking of getting a tumblr but i'm not sure what i'd do with it
i guess at the very least i could use it to find heaps of sailor moon gifs or something lol
Hotaru Tomoe said:
i'm thinking of getting a tumblr but i'm not sure what i'd do with it
i guess at the very least i could use it to find heaps of sailor moon gifs or something lol
There is tons of ace attorney as well
is there a way to keep away nsfw stuff? i'm just wondering because i wouldn't want to be browsing someone's tumblr and then suddenly coming across something i don't want to see, or even worse, finding something i don't want to see and having my parents notice and get the wrong idea
You can get tag blockers/blacklisters to blaclist tags/key words of unwanted things (eg: #nsfw or #*series* spoilers)
I use it to keep irl porn, particularly hard-hitting/agressive social justice posts and the ship RoseMary off my dash as much as possible and I think Nabber uses it to block out SDR2 spoilers.
Yes not everyone tags stuff but it blocks out a gpod amount and you can always ask peole to tag x thing for them. There is also a safe mode iirc, but I 'm not sure how reliable it is as I don't use it myself.
Snake said:
You can get tag blockers/blacklisters to blaclist tags/key words of unwanted things (eg: #nsfw or #*series* spoilers)
I use it to keep irl porn, particularly hard-hitting/agressive social justice posts and the ship RoseMary off my dash as much as possible and I think Nabber uses it to block out SDR2 spoilers.
Yes not everyone tags stuff but it blocks out a gpod amount and you can always ask peole to tag x thing for them. There is also a safe mode iirc, but I 'm not sure how reliable it is as I don't use it myself.
okay it's awful because almost no one i follow tags their #nsfw stuff unless it's actually hardcore
but yeah i block out spoilers for SDR2/AA5/a bunch of other stuff
Hotaru Tomoe said:
is there a way to keep away nsfw stuff? i'm just wondering because i wouldn't want to be browsing someone's tumblr and then suddenly coming across something i don't want to see, or even worse, finding something i don't want to see and having my parents notice and get the wrong idea
- There's a flag in your settings that lets you turn off NSFW content
- You can also get Better Tumblr (I think it's called), which is a Chrome extension which allows you to blocklists certain tags.

It probably won't block 'everything', but it should hide a lot of it.

I swear I only post NSFW stuff if I think it's a) really pretty, or b) really funny. :P
fantanoice said:
- You can also get Better Tumblr (I think it's called), which is a Chrome extension which allows you to blocklists certain tags.

i use firefox :P
i guess there would probably be an equivalent addon for firefox?

anyway, i guess i'll have a think about it... even if i do make one, i might not immediatly link to it here until i feel confident that i understand how it works