Princess Alyson Koopastoo
Laughing is good for your health!
Hi,I'm new here. :D This is a fanfic I'm writing... Enjoy(or I hope so! xD)
The arrival of a new Princess
It was a dark and stormy night. Bowser was sat on his throne staring out the windows, enjoying the relaxing sound of the rolling thunder. Then a Koopatrol walked into the throne room and saluted.
Koopatrol: Sir. There's a visitor here requesting to speak to you.
Bowser got disgusted by the interruption that he could have burnt the turtle on the spot.
Bowser: Then send it in, idiot!!
Koopatrol: Uh, yessir!
So, a girl at the age of between 3 & 1/2 and 6 years old, short black hair and green eyes walked into the room. She was pretty quiet and looked a bit shy.
Koopatrol: Announcing, Alyson from Braz'Tchê Kingdom of Bras Notchête Country.
Bowser frowned in confusion. He never heard of a "Braz'Tchê Kingdom" or a "Bras Notchête Country". It without mention that the names are very weird.
Bowser: Alyson, eh? I never heard of this "Braz'Tchê Kingdom" neither of a "Bras Notchête Country.
The girl replied politely in a shyly voice.
Alyson: Well, Braz'Tchê Kingdom is a VERY small kingdom and my country is far FAR away and it's pretty small too. I'm not surprised...
Bowser: Fine, Kiddo. What brought you here?
Alyson: ...Err... Well, actually my parents sent me here, Mister...
Bowser grinned to hear her calling him "Mister". What a polite lil' kid.
Bowser: Good. Then why did they sent you here?
Alyson hesited getting tense. She rubbed the back of her head.
Alyson: You're Bowser?
Bowser: Yeah. What you want from me?
Alyson: Errr... I uhh... I'm your niece.
Bowser almost fell of his throne in surprise and fright.
Alyson: ...No, sir... It's not a joke. I--
Bowser: Very well, then!! I got some questions to see if you're really my niece! First: What's my full name?
Alyson: ...King Bowser Koopa
Bowser: Who raised me?
Alyson: Kamek Magikoopa.
Bowser: What's the name of my "gone" older brother?
Alyson: Wart.
Bowser: What's the name of my late father?
Alyson: Morton Koopa.
Bowser widened his eyes. It seems she's really his niece.
Bowser: Ok, ok... Who's your parents?
Alyson: ...... Uh... My father's your younger brother. You probably don't know him. When he was born, Morton Koopa and the Queen split up. Morton Koopa kept you and Wart while the Queen kept my father.
Bowser: I got it. But how can you be my niece? I mean, you're a human not a koopa!
Alyson: Uh, not exactly. Like my mother, I'm a "different especie" of human, this especie is called "Kitsinny".
Bowser: ..."Kitsinny"...?
Alyson: Yes. Kitsinnies are humans with superpowers and the ability of transforming into, in the maximium, 2 animals. But in my case, as my father is a koopa, I got the kitsinnies' powers and the koopas' powers, Fire Breath, for instance.
Bowser: Fine, lil' Kitsinny! What's your parents' names?
Alyson hesited more tense than before. She looked both pluzzed and embarrassed.
Alyson: ...Errrrmm... I... I-I... I actually don't know... *Shrugs*
Bowser: *Lifts an eyebrow in frustration and confusion* What the... You don't know your own parents' names?!
Alyson: *Shakes head* I never saw them either. They're busy every single moment. They're always traveling to solve their businessess, then they simply dump me in my house with the servants to take care of me!
While saying that, Alyson seemed to be sad, frustrated and disappointed with her parents.
Bowser: ...Why did your parents send you here, Kiddo?
Alyson: I don't know exactly. During the past few months, my kingdom were in a tense atmosphere. When I asked people what was wrong, they always created some excuse to leave or they simply refused to answer me. So my parents (that were traveling) ordened that I should be sent here to live with you.
Bowser: Okay, I got it. Oh, almost forgot! Whats your full name?
Alyson: Princess Alyson Koopastool.
Bowser: EH?! You're a princess?! So your parents are--
Alyson: King and Queen.
Bowser: And your "house" is--
Alyson: Actually a castle.
Bowser: Fine, whatever! You're my guest and you may stay one week at my keep.
Alyson: ...One week?
Bowser: One week! Then you leave and go home! I'm fed up with kids. I already got eight brats, I don't want more one!!
Alyson almost chuckled to hear that he got EIGHT children. He must be very busy.
Alyson: Wow, eight children? A pretty lot, eh? This must be hard to you to raise them!
Bowser: Blargh, tell me about it!! (Talks to the Koopatrol) You!!! Take her and her stuff to the guest room!
Koopatrol: Yessir! (Talks to Alyson) This way, please.
Both Alyson and the Koopatrol left. Bowser stood on his throne and turned to his right to face Kamek.
Bowser: AHHHH!!! KAMEK!! What a fright! Since when you were here?
Kamek: The whole time, Your Frightness! And I guess you should allow the girl to live here and not stay only one week.
Bowser: Why should I?
Kamek: Why Your Ingenuousness... She can be very useful to us. I saw it since the first second I saw her.
Bowser looked a bit unsure about what Kamek said.
Bowser: Are you sure about that, Kamek?
Kamek: Sure, my King. You know that my visions never failed.
Bowser got quiet thinking a bit. Then a sly grin appeared in his face.
Bowser: Fine. She shall live here, then.
Alyson was in the guest room. She was placing her stuff in the room. She was looking kinda cheerful, though she was singing in a sad tone. And she was singing in other language.
Alyson: *Singing* E não adianta nem me procurar em outros timbres, outros risos. Eu estava aqui o tempo todo, só você não viu...
She stopped singing when she heard someone knocking on the door. She opened the door to see a Hammer Bro standing there.
Alyson: ...Yeah?
Hammer Bro: I just came here to say that King Bowser changed his mind and allowed you to live here. This guest room will be your bedroom now. Good night. *Leaves*
Alyson: Uh... Good night to you too. *Closes the door* *Sits on the bed* Wow, he changed his mind fast... Yaaaaawwwwwwn.
She just lied down and fell asleep.
4 hours later... Everyone was asleep. The night still was stormy with thunders. One of these thunders woke Alyson up. She looked as if she had woke up from a nightmare.
Alyson: *Wakes up startled* Gasp!! ...Oh, boy... I have HORROR of thunders! Well, now that I'm awake, it would be a miracle if I fall asleep again! Geez... Now what am I going to do during the rest of the night?
She looked around thinking of some hobby, then she saw some sheets with some colored pencils. She smiled to find a good hobby.
In the morning...
Bowser woke up with a Monday-ish face, but soon changed to his neutral one. He ordened to a koopa:
Bowser: Hey, you! Go to the newcomer's room and check if she's already awake! If she does, take her to a tour in my castle, got it?
Koopa: Yes sir!! *Leaves*
The koopa walked to Alyson's bedroom, when he was about to knock
on the door he noticed it was open. He then pushed the door to see the bed with some drawings and pencils over it. He then saw a small black cat sat on the pillow, staring at him.
Koopa: Oh, dear...! King Bowser's gonna fire me if I tell him she brought a pet!!
He looked around, but he didn't see anyone else in the room. When he turned to leave, he heard Alyson's voice saying "Oi !! Wait a minute, Mr. Koopa!" When the koopa turned back the cat was gone and Alyson was the one sat in it's place.
Alyson: May I help you?
Koopa: Look, I'll be done for if King Bowser find out that you brought a pet and...--
Alyson: I don't have any pets!
Koopa: And what about that kitten that were standing right where you're now?!
Alyson replied with a cheerful grin. The koopa then got a bit pluzzed. In one side he knew the answer, but in another he didn't.
Koopa: Uhhhh... Fine. Listen, King Bowser ordened me to take you to a tour in the castle. Is that alright?
Alyson jumped from the bed with a big grin.
Alyson: Wow, sure!
Koopa: Right. Let's start right where we're now. This place was a guest room, but I guess you know it's your bedroom now.
Alyson: Yeah, I know.
Koppa: This way, please.
Later on... Now the Koopa was showing the Koopalings' rooms.
Koopa: This is Prince Ludwig Von Koopa's room. He's the oldest and he's a genius, you can see it by those machines.
Alyson: Eita meu! He invented all those machines?!
Koopa: Yes, he did. He's also obsessed for chocolate...
Alyson: Tee hee! Don't blame him. Everyone loves chocolate! Well, everyone except who have diabetes...
The koopa had to hold his chuckle when he heard the chocolate thing.
Koopa: Ok, let's continue.
He and Alyson moved to the next room.
Koopa: This is Prince Lemmy Koopa's room. He's the second oldest and he's the fun-loving one of the koopalings. He also loves ice, he even made a weapon called The Freeeze Gun wich froze anything it shot. He can be seen riding in a ball.
Alyson: Wow, this looks very cool! I always asked for ice in the Summer. So he rides in a ball, eh? I guess we can share tricks.
Both moved to Roy's room.
Koopa: This is Prince Roy Koopa's room. He's the third oldest. Look, I won't lie, he always beats his siblings up. He's strong and merciless with the family's enemies. He's a bully, you better be careful with him.
Alyson: Nah, there're fights in every family... Don't worry, I know that like almost everyone he has a soft side.
They than moved to Iggy's room.
Koopa: This is Prince Iggy Koopa's room. He looks like Lemmy. Some think they're "twins". He loves animals more than anything else. He's a lil' inventor like Ludwig.
Alyson: This looks interessing.
The next was Wendy's room.
This is Princess Wendy O' Koopa's room. She's the only girl of the koopalings. She loves swimming and water. She loves to make herself pretty more than anything else. Her vanity is her weakness. I think you two will get along well.
Alyson: Teeheehee... every girl loves to be pretty!
They gone to Morton's room.
Koopa: This is Prince Morton Koopa Jr's room. He loves talking. He also has an interest in solar energy.
Alyson: Heh. When boredom attacks, the best way to send it away is a good talk!
Both moved to Larry's room.
Koopa: This is Prince Larry Koopa's room. He's the second youngest and the most quiet of the koopalings, he likes to keep to himself. He loves plants. He's the politest and the most well-behaved of the koopalings.
Alyson: Cool. I like plants too. In my castle, I spend most part of the time staying in the garden!
The next room was Bowser Jr's.
Koopa: And this is Prince Bowser Jr. Koopa's room. He's the youngest of the eight children. He loves sports and reminds a lot of his father.
Alyson: Interesting. I guess we can play tennis together. Tennis, Ping-Pong and kart are the only sports that I like...
Koopa: Com'on, there's more in the tour. The next thing is the playground.
Meanwhile in the kitchen... The koopalings are having cereal and hot-chocolate in the breakfast.
Morton: Meh! I'm sick of hot-chocolate! I don't hate hot-chocolate, but having it every single day in the Winter in the breakfast and dessert is sickning!
Ludwig: Nah, it's okay to me...
Iggy: This Cook should try something new.
Bowser Jr.: Talking about "new", did ya know that there's a newcomer in the castle?
Wendy: Yeah, I heard that this newcomer is a relative that came from far away!
Lemmy: Cool! A new playmate!
Roy: A new punching bag! Heh heh heh!
Larry: I don't think so, Roy. I heard King Dad say that the newcomer is a "she"!
Roy: ... So what?
Larry: Sigh... Nevermind.
Morton: Bah! Another girl?! I hope she's not like Wendy or else this castle will be a hell bigger than it already is!
Wendy: HEY!! *Throws her cereal bowl at Morton's head*
Morton: Ouchie!!
The other koopalings laughed.
Ludwig: I don't know... And if she's a spy?!
Iggy: Kamek told that she isn't. And you guys know that his visions never failed.
Bowser Jr.: But why did she come here?
Wendy: King Dad said that even herself doesn't know...
Larry: The strange thing is that King Dad was planning to allow her to stay here only one week, but he changed his mind...
Lemmy: He said that he got plans for her.
Roy: What plans?
Lemmy: I don't know...
Ludwig: I wonder if she knows about our problem with the Mario Bros. and the Mushroom Kingdom......
Iggy: I think she doesn't, if she came from far away...
Kammy: Kids, finish your breakfast or it's going to get cold!
Koopalings: Yes, Kammy... (Yuck!)
Bowser then arrives in the kitchen.
Bowser: And then, kids? I bet you know that we got a newcomer!
Ludwig: Actually, King Dad, we were talking exactly about that!
Bowser: 'K... Listen, I want you to make her feel as if she's at her home to avoid she wanting to leave later!
Roy: But King Dad... Why do you want her to stay so much?
Bowser: According to Kamek, she can be a great weapon against that annoying red plumber!! *Sly grin* We just need to manipulate the "weapon" correctly.
The koopalings got happy. It seems they finally would get rid of the Mario Bros..
Lemmy: Don't worry, King Dad! We'll treat her as our dear big sister!
Bowser: Don't exaggerate, Lemmy! She's your cousin not sister! *Chuckles*
Iggy: Anyway, don't worry, King Dad! she'll never want to leave!
Bowser: Good.
Bowser turned to leave, but suddently turns back.
Bowser: Ah, yes! Finish your breakfast!!
The koopalings frowned.
Koopalings: Yes, King Dad... (Blargh!)
A time later, back with Alyson and the Koopa... Both of them were standing infront of the door of Alyson's bedroom.
Koopa: Well, the tour's over.
Alyson: Awwww... What a pitty! It was so fun. Anyway, thank you for the tour, Mr. Koopa! Now I won't get lost in the castle.
Koopa: You don't need to thank me. I only did my job. *Looks at his wristwatch* Oh, by the way... It's the breakfast time. Do you want to go to the kitchen eat?
Alyson: ... Hm, sorry. But I'm run out of appetite right now, you understand, don't you?
Koopa: Nah, it's alright! I must go to my position now. You can call me if you need something, Princess Alyson.
Alyson: Aw, please call me just Alyson or "Aly", for short. By the way... What's your name, Mr. Koopa?
Koopa: Hmmmm... Noone ever bothered to ask me that! Well, my name's Miguel, Miguel K. Troopa.
Alyson: *Some kind of daydreaming face* Miguel... That's such a cute name.
Miguel blushed a little, but managed to keep his composture.
Miguel: Well, I must go now. *Leaves*
Alyson just entered into her bedroom, but forgot to close the door.
Later on with the Koopalings... Iggy, Lemmy and Bowser Jr. were walking in the castle while the others were at their rooms.
Iggy: You know, I wonder how this newcomer looks like...
Lemmy, who was the tallest of the 3 due to his ball, replied:
Lemmy: Well, if she's our cousin as King Dad said, she must be probably something like Wendy or Susan...
Bowser Jr.: Really? Poor newcomer...
The 3 bursted out laughing.
Lemmy: Lol, that was a funny one!
Iggy: ... But and if she doesn't...?
Bowser Jr., that now was curious, replied:
Bowser Jr.: Hmmmmmmmm... Why don't we go and find out?
And then, all of a sudden, Lemmy's ball gets punched by Roy. Lemmy fell on the ground while his ball rolled away .
Roy: Hahaha!! Gotcha!!
Lemmy: *Gets up* Shoot, Roy!! Why do you always has to do it?! Now I have to go look for my ball! *Leaves looking for his lost ball*
Bowser Jr: . . . *Goes to his room*
Iggy: Lemmy, wait!! I'm going with you! *Runs after Lemmy*
At Bowser's throne... He and Kamek were a having a talk...
Bowser: You better be right about Alyson being useful, Kamek! If not I'm going to kick both her and you outta here!!
Kamek: Don't worry, your Toughness... She is useful, I guarantee!
Bowser: Hmph, it better be!! Hmmmmmmmmm... I wonder how to manipulate her...
Kamek: What did you see on her eyes when you looked at them?
Bowser: Jeez, I saw green, duh! (Her eyes are green)
Kamek: *Sweatdrop* Ahem... I meant something like fear, sadness...
Bowser: Uh, innocence...?
Kamek: *Snaps fingers* Exactly!! So listen to my plan......
They start murmuring.
Meanwhile at Alyson's bedroom... She was taking a "cat nap". She was almost falling off the bed, one of her legs already fallen and almost touching the ground. As she felt something touch her leg, her eyes shut open and she got up afraid that could be a spider. When she looked at her leg, instead of a spider she saw... A green ball.
Alyson: Nya, what a fright! *Picks the ball up*
She started examining the ball to see if she could find something familiar in it.
Alyson: No, it isn't one of my toys... I wonder how this ball came here...
She turned to the door and saw it opened. She then remembered she forgot to close it.
Alyson: Oh, right. The ball must have rolled away and stopped in my bedroom...... Wait a minute, if this ball rolled till here, so it's owner must be looking for it!!
She got out of her bedroom with the ball in her arms and started looking for it's owner. Thanks to Miguel and his tour, she wouldn't get lost. While walking in the hallways of the castle, she was singing low in a macabre hissing tone a song that is familiar only on Earth:
Alyson: *Singing*
"One, two, Freddy's coming for you!
Three, four, better lock your door!
Five, six, grab your crucifix!
Seven, eight, better stay up late!
Nine, ten, never sleep again!"
The macabre hissing tone Alyson's voice was singing made the song really scary. Scary enough to chill your spine.
She was too "busy" singing, she didn't notice the hallways are getting darker and darker.
Meanwhile with Lemmy and Iggy...
Iggy: Lemmy, are you sure your ball is around here?
Lemmy: I don't know. By the way, did you notice that the hallways are getting darker?
Iggy: Lucky I brought a lantern! *Grins*
They keep walking in the dark hallways, soon it was so dark they needed to use Iggy's lantern. The same was happening to Alyson, but she didn't have a lantern, tough her eyes was shining in the dark (like the cat's eyes) and she could see in the dark a little, but not enough.
Alyson: *Stops singing* Puts... My nocturne sight still needs to grow more... Sigh... *Starts singing the same song again*
Back to Iggy and Lemmy... They were talking untill Lemmy heard something.
Iggy: You kn--
Lemmy: Shhhhhhhh...
They got silent for a while until they hear a scary song:
"One, two, Freddy's coming for you...
That put chills trough Iggy and Lemmy's spines.
...Three, four, better lock your door...
Lemmy shrugged, Iggy started shivering, the light of his lantern stared to balance due to Iggy's shivering. The song was getting higher and scarier.
...Five, six, grab your crucifix...
Lemmy: *Low voice* Is... is that a-a... ghost?!
Iggy's lantern wore off.
Iggy: *Low voice* Oh, no! T-the lantern!!
Without the lantern they were in the pitch black.
...Seven, eight, stay up late...
Back to Alyson... She was hearing murmurs wich looked to belong to two young people. She stopped walking and turned around to see if someone was after her (she couldn't figure where the murmurs were coming from) but didn't see anyone. She shrugged and started to walk backwards. She kept singing hoping the song would keep her calm.
Back to Iggy and Lemmy... They turned around to see if there was a ghost behind them, but didn't see anything, since they barely could see their own hands. They were almost panicing in fear and started to walk backwards, still with that song in the air.
...Nine, ten, never sleep again."
They were walking backwards, Lemmy was trying to make himself calm while Iggy was trying to make his lantern work. They kept walking... Until... Lemmy's back touched something.
Iggy and Lemmy: *Turns around scared for life* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
She lost her balance and fell on the ground. The same happened to Lemmy. Iggy's lantern works again. He saw Lemmy sat on the ground and... someone else, a girl, sat on the ground too. Probably what Lemmy's back had touched before was her back.
Alyson: *Pluzzed face* ...Credo... Eu, hein?! What just happened?
To Iggy and Lemmy, her voice was familiar... That's the same voice that was singing, but in it's normal tone it was cuter and more welcoming than that scary and macabre hissing tone. Alyson then figured what happened.
Alyson: *Gets up* Oh, meu... Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you! *Helps Lemmy get up*
Lemmy: *Show off* Thanks err... Scared? Who was scared?? I wasn't! And you, Bro?
Iggy: Hm...
Alyson: *Giggles* Aw, com'on! You two scared me, I admit!
Iggy: I guess we scared eachother! Heh!
Alyson: Before I forget, you guys know who is the owner of this ball? *Shows Lemmy's lost ball*
Lemmy: ...My ball!!
Alyson: Oh! Is it yours? It stopped in my bedroom while I was sleeping, so I gone to look for the owner. Well, here you are! *Hands the ball to Lemmy*
Lemmy: Hey! Thanks a lot!
Iggy: He was looking for it like crazy!
Lemmy: But what are you doing here? How did you come here?
Alyson: Well, my parents sent me here to live with Uncle Bowser. I arrived in the castle yesterday night.
Iggy and Lemmy: ...So you're the newcomer!!!
Hello! It's just a little update, I'm continuing my Fanfic. Enjoy!
Alyson got a little surprised by Iggy and Lemmy's reaction when they found out she was the newcomer relative. Did she do something wrong?
Alyson: ...Uh yeah, I suppose...
Lemmy: Ha! The suspense's over!!
Alyson: ...Suspense...?
Iggy: Everybody is dying of curiosity to know about the newcomer!
Alyson: Oh...
Lemmy: Well, you're not a Koopa.
Alyson: Uncle Bowser got confused about that too, teehee! My father is a Koopa and my mother is a Kitsinny!
Iggy: ...What are Kitsinnies?
Alyson frowned a little. It seems she would have to explain all that over again.
Alyson: Why don't we talk about it while walking out of those dark hallways?
A little later... The three are walking to the playground while chatting.
Alyson: ...So you aren't twins, since one is older than another...?
Lemmy: Yup.
Iggy: I'm curious about that music you were singing in the hallways.
Alyson: What's with the song, Cousin Iggy?
Iggy: Ludwig never told me about some similar song... And who is this "Freddy" anyway?
Alyson gave a intimidating sly grin.
Alyson: Are you sure you wanna know?
Iggy: Yeah!
Alyson: Fine! I'm gonna tell you guys when everybody get together to listen, it's a good story!
Lemmy: Well, we're in the playground.
You could hear such a huge chaos and mess inside the playground, Alyson didn't seem to be used to it.
Alyson: *A bit startled with the noise of the confusion inside the playground* Credo!! What's wrong inside?!
Lemmy: Nothing, that's just our brothers and sister playing.
Alyson: ... *(
') face*
Iggy: C'mon, you won't tell me you and your brothers never played together!
Alyson frowned and didn't say anything, she sighed.
Lemmy: Oh... You're only child?
Alyson: Yeah... sorta.
Iggy: Sorta?
Alyson: My best friend David Boom is almost as brother to me... sometimes I wonder if he cares about me more than my own parents...
Lemmy: Hm... it seems you and your parents don't have a good relationship.
Alyson giggled sarcastly. What relationship?
Alyson: Heh! We don't even have a relationship! There's no relationship between us! To be honest I never saw them in my entire life!!
Iggy: *Whispers to himself* That's weird...
Alyson: I heard that, Cousin Iggy. I know it's weird. Parents that are too busy to say a simply "Hi!" to their own child? What a irony...
Alyson, Iggy, Lemmy: . . .
More noises in the playground threw them outta their thoughts.
Lemmy: Erm, are we going to enter or just stay stopped here like the three goofies?
Iggy: Heheheh no, let's enter!
Lemmy: Yeah! Let's show our cousin the entire family!
Alyson: *Shrugs*
Lemmy opened the door of the playground. Inside the playground, the other koopalings are doing their own things when they notice the door opening, they see Iggy, Lemmy and... Alyson coming in.
Ludwig: Lemmy, where have you been? Who is she? Is she your girlfriend? *Playful grin*
Alyson: Quê?! *Blushes* *(O.O') face*
Lemmy: *Elbows Ludwig* Heck no!! She's our cousin, the newcomer! Her name's Alyson.
Ludwig: You gotta to be kidin' me! She's not even a Koopa, she's a human!
Alyson: Do I have to explain it for the 3rd time? *(T_T) face*
Iggy: Our uncle is her father and--
Ludwig: Then you're Wart's daugther and Susan's sister?!
Alyson:... My dad's not Wart! And who is Susan?
Lemmy: Actually Kind Dad had a younger brother!
Ludwig: Oh! I got it! But it doesn't explain why she's human.
Alyson: I'm a Kitsinny.
Ludwig: Um, what?
Alyson: *Sigh* (I guess I'm going to say it over again...) Like my mother, I'm a "different especie" of human, this especie is called "Kitsinny". Kitsinnies are humans with superpowers and the ability of transforming into, at maximium, 2 animals. But in my case, as my father is a koopa, I got the kitsinnies' powers and the koopas' powers, Fire Breath, for instance.
Ludwig: Hm, this is interesting... Do you like music?
Alyson: Xi!! That's one of the things that makes me happy!
Ludwig: Would you like to listen to mine and my symphonies?
Alyson: Sure! Why not? (As long it's not Opera!)
Lemmy: *Whispers to Iggy* She and her ears are going to regret...
To be continued...
The arrival of a new Princess
It was a dark and stormy night. Bowser was sat on his throne staring out the windows, enjoying the relaxing sound of the rolling thunder. Then a Koopatrol walked into the throne room and saluted.
Koopatrol: Sir. There's a visitor here requesting to speak to you.
Bowser got disgusted by the interruption that he could have burnt the turtle on the spot.
Bowser: Then send it in, idiot!!
Koopatrol: Uh, yessir!
So, a girl at the age of between 3 & 1/2 and 6 years old, short black hair and green eyes walked into the room. She was pretty quiet and looked a bit shy.
Koopatrol: Announcing, Alyson from Braz'Tchê Kingdom of Bras Notchête Country.
Bowser frowned in confusion. He never heard of a "Braz'Tchê Kingdom" or a "Bras Notchête Country". It without mention that the names are very weird.
Bowser: Alyson, eh? I never heard of this "Braz'Tchê Kingdom" neither of a "Bras Notchête Country.
The girl replied politely in a shyly voice.
Alyson: Well, Braz'Tchê Kingdom is a VERY small kingdom and my country is far FAR away and it's pretty small too. I'm not surprised...
Bowser: Fine, Kiddo. What brought you here?
Alyson: ...Err... Well, actually my parents sent me here, Mister...
Bowser grinned to hear her calling him "Mister". What a polite lil' kid.
Bowser: Good. Then why did they sent you here?
Alyson hesited getting tense. She rubbed the back of her head.
Alyson: You're Bowser?
Bowser: Yeah. What you want from me?
Alyson: Errr... I uhh... I'm your niece.
Bowser almost fell of his throne in surprise and fright.
Alyson: ...No, sir... It's not a joke. I--
Bowser: Very well, then!! I got some questions to see if you're really my niece! First: What's my full name?
Alyson: ...King Bowser Koopa
Bowser: Who raised me?
Alyson: Kamek Magikoopa.
Bowser: What's the name of my "gone" older brother?
Alyson: Wart.
Bowser: What's the name of my late father?
Alyson: Morton Koopa.
Bowser widened his eyes. It seems she's really his niece.
Bowser: Ok, ok... Who's your parents?
Alyson: ...... Uh... My father's your younger brother. You probably don't know him. When he was born, Morton Koopa and the Queen split up. Morton Koopa kept you and Wart while the Queen kept my father.
Bowser: I got it. But how can you be my niece? I mean, you're a human not a koopa!
Alyson: Uh, not exactly. Like my mother, I'm a "different especie" of human, this especie is called "Kitsinny".
Bowser: ..."Kitsinny"...?
Alyson: Yes. Kitsinnies are humans with superpowers and the ability of transforming into, in the maximium, 2 animals. But in my case, as my father is a koopa, I got the kitsinnies' powers and the koopas' powers, Fire Breath, for instance.
Bowser: Fine, lil' Kitsinny! What's your parents' names?
Alyson hesited more tense than before. She looked both pluzzed and embarrassed.
Alyson: ...Errrrmm... I... I-I... I actually don't know... *Shrugs*
Bowser: *Lifts an eyebrow in frustration and confusion* What the... You don't know your own parents' names?!
Alyson: *Shakes head* I never saw them either. They're busy every single moment. They're always traveling to solve their businessess, then they simply dump me in my house with the servants to take care of me!
While saying that, Alyson seemed to be sad, frustrated and disappointed with her parents.
Bowser: ...Why did your parents send you here, Kiddo?
Alyson: I don't know exactly. During the past few months, my kingdom were in a tense atmosphere. When I asked people what was wrong, they always created some excuse to leave or they simply refused to answer me. So my parents (that were traveling) ordened that I should be sent here to live with you.
Bowser: Okay, I got it. Oh, almost forgot! Whats your full name?
Alyson: Princess Alyson Koopastool.
Bowser: EH?! You're a princess?! So your parents are--
Alyson: King and Queen.
Bowser: And your "house" is--
Alyson: Actually a castle.
Bowser: Fine, whatever! You're my guest and you may stay one week at my keep.
Alyson: ...One week?
Bowser: One week! Then you leave and go home! I'm fed up with kids. I already got eight brats, I don't want more one!!
Alyson almost chuckled to hear that he got EIGHT children. He must be very busy.
Alyson: Wow, eight children? A pretty lot, eh? This must be hard to you to raise them!
Bowser: Blargh, tell me about it!! (Talks to the Koopatrol) You!!! Take her and her stuff to the guest room!
Koopatrol: Yessir! (Talks to Alyson) This way, please.
Both Alyson and the Koopatrol left. Bowser stood on his throne and turned to his right to face Kamek.
Bowser: AHHHH!!! KAMEK!! What a fright! Since when you were here?
Kamek: The whole time, Your Frightness! And I guess you should allow the girl to live here and not stay only one week.
Bowser: Why should I?
Kamek: Why Your Ingenuousness... She can be very useful to us. I saw it since the first second I saw her.
Bowser looked a bit unsure about what Kamek said.
Bowser: Are you sure about that, Kamek?
Kamek: Sure, my King. You know that my visions never failed.
Bowser got quiet thinking a bit. Then a sly grin appeared in his face.
Bowser: Fine. She shall live here, then.
Alyson was in the guest room. She was placing her stuff in the room. She was looking kinda cheerful, though she was singing in a sad tone. And she was singing in other language.
Alyson: *Singing* E não adianta nem me procurar em outros timbres, outros risos. Eu estava aqui o tempo todo, só você não viu...
She stopped singing when she heard someone knocking on the door. She opened the door to see a Hammer Bro standing there.
Alyson: ...Yeah?
Hammer Bro: I just came here to say that King Bowser changed his mind and allowed you to live here. This guest room will be your bedroom now. Good night. *Leaves*
Alyson: Uh... Good night to you too. *Closes the door* *Sits on the bed* Wow, he changed his mind fast... Yaaaaawwwwwwn.
She just lied down and fell asleep.
4 hours later... Everyone was asleep. The night still was stormy with thunders. One of these thunders woke Alyson up. She looked as if she had woke up from a nightmare.
Alyson: *Wakes up startled* Gasp!! ...Oh, boy... I have HORROR of thunders! Well, now that I'm awake, it would be a miracle if I fall asleep again! Geez... Now what am I going to do during the rest of the night?
She looked around thinking of some hobby, then she saw some sheets with some colored pencils. She smiled to find a good hobby.
In the morning...
Bowser woke up with a Monday-ish face, but soon changed to his neutral one. He ordened to a koopa:
Bowser: Hey, you! Go to the newcomer's room and check if she's already awake! If she does, take her to a tour in my castle, got it?
Koopa: Yes sir!! *Leaves*
The koopa walked to Alyson's bedroom, when he was about to knock
on the door he noticed it was open. He then pushed the door to see the bed with some drawings and pencils over it. He then saw a small black cat sat on the pillow, staring at him.
Koopa: Oh, dear...! King Bowser's gonna fire me if I tell him she brought a pet!!
He looked around, but he didn't see anyone else in the room. When he turned to leave, he heard Alyson's voice saying "Oi !! Wait a minute, Mr. Koopa!" When the koopa turned back the cat was gone and Alyson was the one sat in it's place.
Alyson: May I help you?
Koopa: Look, I'll be done for if King Bowser find out that you brought a pet and...--
Alyson: I don't have any pets!
Koopa: And what about that kitten that were standing right where you're now?!
Alyson replied with a cheerful grin. The koopa then got a bit pluzzed. In one side he knew the answer, but in another he didn't.
Koopa: Uhhhh... Fine. Listen, King Bowser ordened me to take you to a tour in the castle. Is that alright?
Alyson jumped from the bed with a big grin.
Alyson: Wow, sure!
Koopa: Right. Let's start right where we're now. This place was a guest room, but I guess you know it's your bedroom now.
Alyson: Yeah, I know.
Koppa: This way, please.
Later on... Now the Koopa was showing the Koopalings' rooms.
Koopa: This is Prince Ludwig Von Koopa's room. He's the oldest and he's a genius, you can see it by those machines.
Alyson: Eita meu! He invented all those machines?!
Koopa: Yes, he did. He's also obsessed for chocolate...
Alyson: Tee hee! Don't blame him. Everyone loves chocolate! Well, everyone except who have diabetes...
The koopa had to hold his chuckle when he heard the chocolate thing.
Koopa: Ok, let's continue.
He and Alyson moved to the next room.
Koopa: This is Prince Lemmy Koopa's room. He's the second oldest and he's the fun-loving one of the koopalings. He also loves ice, he even made a weapon called The Freeeze Gun wich froze anything it shot. He can be seen riding in a ball.
Alyson: Wow, this looks very cool! I always asked for ice in the Summer. So he rides in a ball, eh? I guess we can share tricks.
Both moved to Roy's room.
Koopa: This is Prince Roy Koopa's room. He's the third oldest. Look, I won't lie, he always beats his siblings up. He's strong and merciless with the family's enemies. He's a bully, you better be careful with him.
Alyson: Nah, there're fights in every family... Don't worry, I know that like almost everyone he has a soft side.
They than moved to Iggy's room.
Koopa: This is Prince Iggy Koopa's room. He looks like Lemmy. Some think they're "twins". He loves animals more than anything else. He's a lil' inventor like Ludwig.
Alyson: This looks interessing.
The next was Wendy's room.
This is Princess Wendy O' Koopa's room. She's the only girl of the koopalings. She loves swimming and water. She loves to make herself pretty more than anything else. Her vanity is her weakness. I think you two will get along well.
Alyson: Teeheehee... every girl loves to be pretty!
They gone to Morton's room.
Koopa: This is Prince Morton Koopa Jr's room. He loves talking. He also has an interest in solar energy.
Alyson: Heh. When boredom attacks, the best way to send it away is a good talk!
Both moved to Larry's room.
Koopa: This is Prince Larry Koopa's room. He's the second youngest and the most quiet of the koopalings, he likes to keep to himself. He loves plants. He's the politest and the most well-behaved of the koopalings.
Alyson: Cool. I like plants too. In my castle, I spend most part of the time staying in the garden!
The next room was Bowser Jr's.
Koopa: And this is Prince Bowser Jr. Koopa's room. He's the youngest of the eight children. He loves sports and reminds a lot of his father.
Alyson: Interesting. I guess we can play tennis together. Tennis, Ping-Pong and kart are the only sports that I like...
Koopa: Com'on, there's more in the tour. The next thing is the playground.
Meanwhile in the kitchen... The koopalings are having cereal and hot-chocolate in the breakfast.
Morton: Meh! I'm sick of hot-chocolate! I don't hate hot-chocolate, but having it every single day in the Winter in the breakfast and dessert is sickning!
Ludwig: Nah, it's okay to me...
Iggy: This Cook should try something new.
Bowser Jr.: Talking about "new", did ya know that there's a newcomer in the castle?
Wendy: Yeah, I heard that this newcomer is a relative that came from far away!
Lemmy: Cool! A new playmate!
Roy: A new punching bag! Heh heh heh!
Larry: I don't think so, Roy. I heard King Dad say that the newcomer is a "she"!
Roy: ... So what?
Larry: Sigh... Nevermind.
Morton: Bah! Another girl?! I hope she's not like Wendy or else this castle will be a hell bigger than it already is!
Wendy: HEY!! *Throws her cereal bowl at Morton's head*
Morton: Ouchie!!
The other koopalings laughed.
Ludwig: I don't know... And if she's a spy?!
Iggy: Kamek told that she isn't. And you guys know that his visions never failed.
Bowser Jr.: But why did she come here?
Wendy: King Dad said that even herself doesn't know...
Larry: The strange thing is that King Dad was planning to allow her to stay here only one week, but he changed his mind...
Lemmy: He said that he got plans for her.
Roy: What plans?
Lemmy: I don't know...
Ludwig: I wonder if she knows about our problem with the Mario Bros. and the Mushroom Kingdom......
Iggy: I think she doesn't, if she came from far away...
Kammy: Kids, finish your breakfast or it's going to get cold!
Koopalings: Yes, Kammy... (Yuck!)
Bowser then arrives in the kitchen.
Bowser: And then, kids? I bet you know that we got a newcomer!
Ludwig: Actually, King Dad, we were talking exactly about that!
Bowser: 'K... Listen, I want you to make her feel as if she's at her home to avoid she wanting to leave later!
Roy: But King Dad... Why do you want her to stay so much?
Bowser: According to Kamek, she can be a great weapon against that annoying red plumber!! *Sly grin* We just need to manipulate the "weapon" correctly.
The koopalings got happy. It seems they finally would get rid of the Mario Bros..
Lemmy: Don't worry, King Dad! We'll treat her as our dear big sister!
Bowser: Don't exaggerate, Lemmy! She's your cousin not sister! *Chuckles*
Iggy: Anyway, don't worry, King Dad! she'll never want to leave!
Bowser: Good.
Bowser turned to leave, but suddently turns back.
Bowser: Ah, yes! Finish your breakfast!!
The koopalings frowned.
Koopalings: Yes, King Dad... (Blargh!)
A time later, back with Alyson and the Koopa... Both of them were standing infront of the door of Alyson's bedroom.
Koopa: Well, the tour's over.
Alyson: Awwww... What a pitty! It was so fun. Anyway, thank you for the tour, Mr. Koopa! Now I won't get lost in the castle.
Koopa: You don't need to thank me. I only did my job. *Looks at his wristwatch* Oh, by the way... It's the breakfast time. Do you want to go to the kitchen eat?
Alyson: ... Hm, sorry. But I'm run out of appetite right now, you understand, don't you?
Koopa: Nah, it's alright! I must go to my position now. You can call me if you need something, Princess Alyson.
Alyson: Aw, please call me just Alyson or "Aly", for short. By the way... What's your name, Mr. Koopa?
Koopa: Hmmmm... Noone ever bothered to ask me that! Well, my name's Miguel, Miguel K. Troopa.
Alyson: *Some kind of daydreaming face* Miguel... That's such a cute name.
Miguel blushed a little, but managed to keep his composture.
Miguel: Well, I must go now. *Leaves*
Alyson just entered into her bedroom, but forgot to close the door.
Later on with the Koopalings... Iggy, Lemmy and Bowser Jr. were walking in the castle while the others were at their rooms.
Iggy: You know, I wonder how this newcomer looks like...
Lemmy, who was the tallest of the 3 due to his ball, replied:
Lemmy: Well, if she's our cousin as King Dad said, she must be probably something like Wendy or Susan...
Bowser Jr.: Really? Poor newcomer...
The 3 bursted out laughing.
Lemmy: Lol, that was a funny one!
Iggy: ... But and if she doesn't...?
Bowser Jr., that now was curious, replied:
Bowser Jr.: Hmmmmmmmm... Why don't we go and find out?
And then, all of a sudden, Lemmy's ball gets punched by Roy. Lemmy fell on the ground while his ball rolled away .
Roy: Hahaha!! Gotcha!!
Lemmy: *Gets up* Shoot, Roy!! Why do you always has to do it?! Now I have to go look for my ball! *Leaves looking for his lost ball*
Bowser Jr: . . . *Goes to his room*
Iggy: Lemmy, wait!! I'm going with you! *Runs after Lemmy*
At Bowser's throne... He and Kamek were a having a talk...
Bowser: You better be right about Alyson being useful, Kamek! If not I'm going to kick both her and you outta here!!
Kamek: Don't worry, your Toughness... She is useful, I guarantee!
Bowser: Hmph, it better be!! Hmmmmmmmmm... I wonder how to manipulate her...
Kamek: What did you see on her eyes when you looked at them?
Bowser: Jeez, I saw green, duh! (Her eyes are green)
Kamek: *Sweatdrop* Ahem... I meant something like fear, sadness...
Bowser: Uh, innocence...?
Kamek: *Snaps fingers* Exactly!! So listen to my plan......
They start murmuring.
Meanwhile at Alyson's bedroom... She was taking a "cat nap". She was almost falling off the bed, one of her legs already fallen and almost touching the ground. As she felt something touch her leg, her eyes shut open and she got up afraid that could be a spider. When she looked at her leg, instead of a spider she saw... A green ball.
Alyson: Nya, what a fright! *Picks the ball up*
She started examining the ball to see if she could find something familiar in it.
Alyson: No, it isn't one of my toys... I wonder how this ball came here...
She turned to the door and saw it opened. She then remembered she forgot to close it.
Alyson: Oh, right. The ball must have rolled away and stopped in my bedroom...... Wait a minute, if this ball rolled till here, so it's owner must be looking for it!!
She got out of her bedroom with the ball in her arms and started looking for it's owner. Thanks to Miguel and his tour, she wouldn't get lost. While walking in the hallways of the castle, she was singing low in a macabre hissing tone a song that is familiar only on Earth:
Alyson: *Singing*
"One, two, Freddy's coming for you!
Three, four, better lock your door!
Five, six, grab your crucifix!
Seven, eight, better stay up late!
Nine, ten, never sleep again!"
The macabre hissing tone Alyson's voice was singing made the song really scary. Scary enough to chill your spine.
She was too "busy" singing, she didn't notice the hallways are getting darker and darker.
Meanwhile with Lemmy and Iggy...
Iggy: Lemmy, are you sure your ball is around here?
Lemmy: I don't know. By the way, did you notice that the hallways are getting darker?
Iggy: Lucky I brought a lantern! *Grins*
They keep walking in the dark hallways, soon it was so dark they needed to use Iggy's lantern. The same was happening to Alyson, but she didn't have a lantern, tough her eyes was shining in the dark (like the cat's eyes) and she could see in the dark a little, but not enough.
Alyson: *Stops singing* Puts... My nocturne sight still needs to grow more... Sigh... *Starts singing the same song again*
Back to Iggy and Lemmy... They were talking untill Lemmy heard something.
Iggy: You kn--
Lemmy: Shhhhhhhh...
They got silent for a while until they hear a scary song:
"One, two, Freddy's coming for you...
That put chills trough Iggy and Lemmy's spines.
...Three, four, better lock your door...
Lemmy shrugged, Iggy started shivering, the light of his lantern stared to balance due to Iggy's shivering. The song was getting higher and scarier.
...Five, six, grab your crucifix...
Lemmy: *Low voice* Is... is that a-a... ghost?!
Iggy's lantern wore off.
Iggy: *Low voice* Oh, no! T-the lantern!!
Without the lantern they were in the pitch black.
...Seven, eight, stay up late...
Back to Alyson... She was hearing murmurs wich looked to belong to two young people. She stopped walking and turned around to see if someone was after her (she couldn't figure where the murmurs were coming from) but didn't see anyone. She shrugged and started to walk backwards. She kept singing hoping the song would keep her calm.
Back to Iggy and Lemmy... They turned around to see if there was a ghost behind them, but didn't see anything, since they barely could see their own hands. They were almost panicing in fear and started to walk backwards, still with that song in the air.
...Nine, ten, never sleep again."
They were walking backwards, Lemmy was trying to make himself calm while Iggy was trying to make his lantern work. They kept walking... Until... Lemmy's back touched something.
Iggy and Lemmy: *Turns around scared for life* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
She lost her balance and fell on the ground. The same happened to Lemmy. Iggy's lantern works again. He saw Lemmy sat on the ground and... someone else, a girl, sat on the ground too. Probably what Lemmy's back had touched before was her back.
Alyson: *Pluzzed face* ...Credo... Eu, hein?! What just happened?
To Iggy and Lemmy, her voice was familiar... That's the same voice that was singing, but in it's normal tone it was cuter and more welcoming than that scary and macabre hissing tone. Alyson then figured what happened.
Alyson: *Gets up* Oh, meu... Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you! *Helps Lemmy get up*
Lemmy: *Show off* Thanks err... Scared? Who was scared?? I wasn't! And you, Bro?
Iggy: Hm...
Alyson: *Giggles* Aw, com'on! You two scared me, I admit!
Iggy: I guess we scared eachother! Heh!
Alyson: Before I forget, you guys know who is the owner of this ball? *Shows Lemmy's lost ball*
Lemmy: ...My ball!!
Alyson: Oh! Is it yours? It stopped in my bedroom while I was sleeping, so I gone to look for the owner. Well, here you are! *Hands the ball to Lemmy*
Lemmy: Hey! Thanks a lot!
Iggy: He was looking for it like crazy!
Lemmy: But what are you doing here? How did you come here?
Alyson: Well, my parents sent me here to live with Uncle Bowser. I arrived in the castle yesterday night.
Iggy and Lemmy: ...So you're the newcomer!!!
Hello! It's just a little update, I'm continuing my Fanfic. Enjoy!
Alyson got a little surprised by Iggy and Lemmy's reaction when they found out she was the newcomer relative. Did she do something wrong?
Alyson: ...Uh yeah, I suppose...
Lemmy: Ha! The suspense's over!!
Alyson: ...Suspense...?
Iggy: Everybody is dying of curiosity to know about the newcomer!
Alyson: Oh...
Lemmy: Well, you're not a Koopa.
Alyson: Uncle Bowser got confused about that too, teehee! My father is a Koopa and my mother is a Kitsinny!
Iggy: ...What are Kitsinnies?
Alyson frowned a little. It seems she would have to explain all that over again.
Alyson: Why don't we talk about it while walking out of those dark hallways?
A little later... The three are walking to the playground while chatting.
Alyson: ...So you aren't twins, since one is older than another...?
Lemmy: Yup.
Iggy: I'm curious about that music you were singing in the hallways.
Alyson: What's with the song, Cousin Iggy?
Iggy: Ludwig never told me about some similar song... And who is this "Freddy" anyway?
Alyson gave a intimidating sly grin.
Alyson: Are you sure you wanna know?
Iggy: Yeah!
Alyson: Fine! I'm gonna tell you guys when everybody get together to listen, it's a good story!
Lemmy: Well, we're in the playground.
You could hear such a huge chaos and mess inside the playground, Alyson didn't seem to be used to it.
Alyson: *A bit startled with the noise of the confusion inside the playground* Credo!! What's wrong inside?!
Lemmy: Nothing, that's just our brothers and sister playing.
Alyson: ... *(
Iggy: C'mon, you won't tell me you and your brothers never played together!
Alyson frowned and didn't say anything, she sighed.
Lemmy: Oh... You're only child?
Alyson: Yeah... sorta.
Iggy: Sorta?
Alyson: My best friend David Boom is almost as brother to me... sometimes I wonder if he cares about me more than my own parents...
Lemmy: Hm... it seems you and your parents don't have a good relationship.
Alyson giggled sarcastly. What relationship?
Alyson: Heh! We don't even have a relationship! There's no relationship between us! To be honest I never saw them in my entire life!!
Iggy: *Whispers to himself* That's weird...
Alyson: I heard that, Cousin Iggy. I know it's weird. Parents that are too busy to say a simply "Hi!" to their own child? What a irony...
Alyson, Iggy, Lemmy: . . .
More noises in the playground threw them outta their thoughts.
Lemmy: Erm, are we going to enter or just stay stopped here like the three goofies?
Iggy: Heheheh no, let's enter!
Lemmy: Yeah! Let's show our cousin the entire family!
Alyson: *Shrugs*
Lemmy opened the door of the playground. Inside the playground, the other koopalings are doing their own things when they notice the door opening, they see Iggy, Lemmy and... Alyson coming in.
Ludwig: Lemmy, where have you been? Who is she? Is she your girlfriend? *Playful grin*
Alyson: Quê?! *Blushes* *(O.O') face*
Lemmy: *Elbows Ludwig* Heck no!! She's our cousin, the newcomer! Her name's Alyson.
Ludwig: You gotta to be kidin' me! She's not even a Koopa, she's a human!
Alyson: Do I have to explain it for the 3rd time? *(T_T) face*
Iggy: Our uncle is her father and--
Ludwig: Then you're Wart's daugther and Susan's sister?!
Alyson:... My dad's not Wart! And who is Susan?
Lemmy: Actually Kind Dad had a younger brother!
Ludwig: Oh! I got it! But it doesn't explain why she's human.
Alyson: I'm a Kitsinny.
Ludwig: Um, what?
Alyson: *Sigh* (I guess I'm going to say it over again...) Like my mother, I'm a "different especie" of human, this especie is called "Kitsinny". Kitsinnies are humans with superpowers and the ability of transforming into, at maximium, 2 animals. But in my case, as my father is a koopa, I got the kitsinnies' powers and the koopas' powers, Fire Breath, for instance.
Ludwig: Hm, this is interesting... Do you like music?
Alyson: Xi!! That's one of the things that makes me happy!
Ludwig: Would you like to listen to mine and my symphonies?
Alyson: Sure! Why not? (As long it's not Opera!)
Lemmy: *Whispers to Iggy* She and her ears are going to regret...
To be continued...