
...until I saw this...
Petey Piranha: 18
Wiggler: 22
Gooper Blooper: 20
Shadow Mario: 22
Bowser: 20
Mecha Bowser: 16
King Boo: 22
Phantamanta: 12

For the Hurt or Heal game
unsteadiness and weakness, depression, nausea and vomiting, twisting of the neck muscles, rapid and weak pulse, difficulty breathing, and eventually death.

^This is a description of Xanthium I found on the Internet^
Si $a : \mathbb{N}^* \rightarrow \mathbb{C}$ alors pour tout $N \ge 1$ :
\begin{equation*} \int\limits_1^N \sum\limits_{n \le t}{a(n)}dt=\sum\limits_{n \le N}{a(n)(N-n)}. \end{equation*}
MCS said:
Hobbes said:

wait wat

It was said as a joke during an interview, but I get the feeling whoever wrote the article thought it was serious

What I have in the clipboard is against the rules, so no Ctrl+V for you.
Hobbes said:
It was said as a joke during an interview, but I get the feeling whoever wrote the article thought it was serious

What I have in the clipboard is against the rules, so no Ctrl+V for you.

Good. Was about to say...