Mario Enemy Sprite Collage

1. Left click on white.
2. Use the transparent background thing with Select.
3. Find spritesheets and use the Bucket tool to make the background in them white.
4. Copy and paste sprites onto the background, but make sure there's no holes in the character that are from the background. Make those white.
5. And presto, you've done it!
It is easy just use Paint your default Image editing program.
Also some tips on making 2D 16-bit,
*Making a gradient background is easy, just use Paint.NET and have one color and a back color. Use the gradient tool in the toolbox Window. Your colors will blend and change from one to the other. Using Orange and Dark blue is cool.
*Don't ever use RPG Sprites, u can't get them to look perfect on the ground.
*The best 16-bit Mario sprites to use are SMB3, SMB (the updated one), SMB:TLL (the updated one), SMB2, SMW. They should be 16-bit
*Using tiles can get boring but when u connect a big piece use that so u won't use one tile at a time
Pinkie Pie said:
1. Left click on white.
2. Use the transparent background thing with Select.
3. Find spritesheets and use the Bucket tool to make the background in them white.
4. Copy and paste sprites onto the background, but make sure there's no holes in the character that are from the background. Make those white.
5. And presto, you've done it!
yeah it can, when selecting an image, two boxes will appear, choose the very last one to make things transparent. Make sure u r using Paint! Then it will work