Let's play some Hangman!

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_ _ _ N T R I _ _ T E R T _ _ _ _ N

Hint: Enemy

Letters used: A, E, S, R, I, N
let's look at the letters that haven't been used now

B, F, J, K, L, M, P, Q, V, W, Z

Two of these characters fit the puzzle!

Now, I'm pretty sure that Q will not come into play here, considering Q almost always preceeds U. Since there is no open U to succeed the Q, then I'm scrapping the Q. V and Z appear to be the least likely here too. The next most unlikely characters would have to be K and P. J, B and F would follow, while L and M would take the cake.

However, it's never that simple. I'm going to go ahead and make the final guess.

Count Richtertoffen