Who's taller, toad or toadett

A better question is "Who was wondering about Toad and Toadette's heights in the first place".

And by the way "u" is spelled "you", you should always capitalize the first letter of the first word in a sentance, and you should always capitalize the first letter of a name.

Which of these looks better to you?;

n0 txt tlk plz!

No "text talk" please!


Actually, you don't have to answer that, because the bottom sentance is clearly better.

Have a nice day!
Uniju said:
Snack said:
A better question is "Who was wondering about Toad and Toadette's heights in the first place.

And by the way "u" is spelled "you", you should always capitalize the first letter of the first word in a sentance, and you should always capitalize the first letter of a name.

Which of these looks better to you?;

n0 txt tlk plz!

No "text talk" please!


Actually, you don't have to answer that, because the bottom sentance is clearly better.

Have a nice day!


Srsly. No more srslys.

HOO-RAH! Huzzah! SOMEONE ELSE who values grammar!
I value grammar.

Heres a picture showing toad and toadette the same size
Uniju said:
Snack said:
No, in that chart Toadette is taller :|

She only looks taller because Toad's hat blends in with the background.

And yes, the real question is, "Who cares which one is taller?"

*makes topic about who is fatter, Bowser or a sumo wrestler* :roll:
Dodoman said:
Uniju said:
Snack said:
No, in that chart Toadette is taller :|

She only looks taller because Toad's hat blends in with the background.

And yes, the real question is, "Who cares which one is taller?"

*makes topic about who is fatter, Bowser or a sumo wrestler* :roll:

Yeah, let's rename "Super Smash Bros. Brawl Characters" to "Who cares about Super Smash Bros. Brawl characters?", "Sentence-finishers" to "Who cares about finishing sentences?" etc.

They've got the same size. Lock?