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  1. HeftyWario

    Rest in Peace, Walkazo

    These are sad times. :(I never anticipated a user on any online website I became a part of would pass away. Though death is inevitable for us all. I just wasn't ready. I never really knew Walkazo, but may she rest in peace. I've been around these parts before, I know she has impacted many lives...
  2. HeftyWario

    Best Mario RPG?

    Super Paper Mario
  3. HeftyWario


    I think so but I forgot this thread existed so I have probably deleted any files by now. Sorry :(
  4. HeftyWario


    Hello. I have just downloaded OBS because a friend told me it was good for screen capture on a computer. However it recently crashed after recording my computer screen for a while. I was not able to recover the recorded file. Is this common and should I expect it to happen frequently or was it...
  5. HeftyWario

    Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam

    Yes! I knew they wouldn't phase out Paper Weegee. Sucks that he has such a small role and doesn't even interact with Luigi though
  6. HeftyWario

    Songs currently stuck in your head

    They're Coming to Take Me Away, Ha Ha
  7. HeftyWario

    What was the last thing you googled?

    How to sound like a black rapper.
  8. HeftyWario

    Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam

    I'm barfing cause there are no Paper exclusive enemies and they all have their Sticker redesigns.
  9. HeftyWario

    Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam Paper Mario fans can officially Barf.
  10. HeftyWario

    Who would you like to see in Mario and Luigi; Paper Jam?

    If not, there better just not be a Kamek counterpart in PM style. If there is one, Kammy is the only one I'd want. Paper Kamek was nothing but a retcon of the more original counterpart set up by the first Paper Mario. Best case scenario, we see the return of multiple villains and allies from...
  11. HeftyWario

    Super Mario Maker

    I am absolutely lovin' this game so far. Making and playing levels is so fun! Could this be the revitalizing entry in the main Mario series which has been pretty bland since Galaxy 2? I think so. But, lol at the costumes. Mario in a kart, but no Paper Mario. Waluigi, but no Daisy. Freakin...
  12. HeftyWario

    Iwata Passes Away

    Wow... I saw a thread somewhere else with no replies and I thought it was some sick joke. Rest in peace, Iwata. :'(
  13. HeftyWario

    Who is your favorite ENEMY from any Mario Game?

    I Like them all, but my favorites are :wario: , :waluigi: (If he counts as an enemy), :bowser: , Fawful, and :drybow: :goomba: , Shy Guy and Birdo (I can't add more than 5 smileys) are also interesting.
  14. HeftyWario

    Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam

    I hope this game has some non-mainstream characters besides the obvious (and great big meh) starlow. I also want Wario and Waluigi in, but i suppose they're not mainstream enough either since nowadays they only appear in spinoffs. :wario: :waluigi: