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  1. L

    Mario Golf: World Tour X Tourney

    So I'm starting a series of private tournaments in Mario Golf called the X Tourneys. They will be somewhat like the official tournaments but with some rule changes (coins are enabled, for example). I'm making these just because I like the smaller scale of competition, although I am hoping for a...
  2. L

    First game with swearing was made by Nintendo?!?!?

    Yup, you heard it right -- the first game with swearing was made by Nintendo! It's an arcade game from 1981 called Sky Skipper. In it you fly a bi-plane bombing gorillas that look somewhat like Donkey Kong. There is a video here: Look at 2:54... The gorilla is...
  3. L

    How many games do you own?

    How many games do you own? For me about 100. You must have a physical copy for it to count. No downloads, even official ones.
  4. L

    Anyone own/know these games?

    About 10 years ago I had a series of games on my PC that I can't find any info about on the web. They were 3D enhanced remakes of classics - Pac-Man, Tetris, Q*bert, and Space Invaders. If anybody knows these games or can find information, screenshots, videos I would love to see these. Details...