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  1. L

    Awesome One-time Bosses

    This is a thread for all those bosses that are only bosses, but were so amazing you need to talk about them. I'm not talking about bosses that were only in one game (like Princess Shroob), I'm talking about bosses that you only fought once, and practically only saw in one part of a game. For...
  2. L

    If you could reimagine the Mario series...

    What would it be like? Perhaps an adult themed FPS? Or a MMORPG? How do you think you'd like to see the characters? I wouldn't mind a slightly darker game, kinda like the sharp contrast between Shroobified areas and the regular areas in Mario and Luigi Partners in Time.
  3. L

    Characters who could be more

    What characters from the Marioverse do you feel should have more spotlight? I'm not talking about characters you think would be nice to play in a game, or somebody you think is awesome. This is a discussion about characters who should have more impact because of logical and legit reasons. For...
  4. L

    Mario and the Nintendo Wii U

    Hopefully you guys have heard about the new system that Nintendo's got in store for us consumers amongst all the new hype. My question to you: What can Mario do for U?
  5. L

    What is Waluigi?

    Seeing as the posters here seem so convinced that Waluigi is a potentially awesome character, I'd like to know what you think this man really is. Most of this is just speculation, of course, since we have little canonical information as to what Nintendo thinks of him. So this is pretty much up...
  6. L

    Bowser vs Bowser Jr.

    Bowser: As king of all koopas, he has much experience as a combatant and a leader. He his also one of the strongest people in the Mushroom Kingdom, with an inner fire burning inside of him. However, he is not nimble at all and some would say he's not the brightest bulb. Bowser Jr.: The...
  7. L

    Why Peach?

    Alright, it seems my last thread was a flop, so I'm trying it again with a more broad question. If you're reading this, you must have played some game where Bowser kidnaps Peach. It has become so much of a staple in the series that it's more of a surprise when Bowser kidnaps someone else. My...
  8. L

    Explain the happenings between DKC and DKCR

    Apparently I have Donkey Kong Country Returns on the brain. I love making up continuity so the changes made between games make sense. That's what I want you to do here. What happened between Donkey Kong Country and Donkey Kong Country Returns so that the lack of Kremlings makes sense? Please...
  9. L

    Donkey Kong Country Returns 2

    Note: This is not a confirmation of a sequel. It's just a discussion topic. Hello, everyone! New poster here. I love to analyze video games and their stories, and Mario games are no different. I plan on making threads that ask those questions no one dares ask (or cares to ask). Anyways...