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  1. DyegoHalliwell_IceMario

    Count until someone uses Fancy Mario

    Easy rules, if someone puts Fancy Mario in their message icon, the count is over. I'll start. 1
  2. DyegoHalliwell_IceMario

    MarioWikian Chronicles

    Hi everyone Finally, this is the story that will bring back Hacked Again to life. As well as I said, it will not be exactly the same as HA, but the plot is based on the original idea, the Wiki being destroyed by trolls, and some random heroes working together to bring it back to life, though the...
  3. DyegoHalliwell_IceMario

    DyegoHalliwell's Art corner

    Hi everyone Since I finally started to draw again (yeah, I used to draw before, but lack of inspiration come up) and today finished a drawing, I decided to do my own art thread. I'm not yet a full-time drawer due to school sucking out time, but I usually draw the protagonists of Charmed, Mario...
  4. DyegoHalliwell_IceMario

    Session Issues

    Hello I want to know, has anybody been kicked off of the forum? My session enden two times today, and I marked the box thay says stay logged in (I'm not sure if forever was included) If youys from the administration can fix this: Thanks in advance. Goodbye P.S It happened when I was about to post
  5. DyegoHalliwell_IceMario

    Sing a song with the word left above you

    Here is a new game (and I have searched the whole board to be sure this is not a replicate game) I have remembered seeing before! (?) The rules are very simple, although the game itself could be hard sometimes The only thing you have to do is sing a song (actually write a part here) with the...
  6. DyegoHalliwell_IceMario

    Hacked Again (Comic)

    Hi everyone Since I've seen nobody has signed up on the article, I decided to make an article so everyone knows this comic even exists (?) So, in first place, the plot of the comic: The comic begins in a random and quiet day on Super Mario Wiki, everyone is doing his job, busy as hell, when a...
  7. DyegoHalliwell_IceMario

    Sprites recolor made by Me

    Those sprites were made by me for the comics, I was going to erase the mustache, but it was way too hard.
  8. DyegoHalliwell_IceMario

    Edit every quote above you

    I was reading a hilarious game in this part of the forum, but then it go wrong and nobody posted on it since 2008, so instead of doing necropost, I decided to re-create the game. You just have to quote the user above you (in this case me) and change some parts of what he said, or she, then add...
  9. DyegoHalliwell_IceMario


    Hello, this is the official (cause there is no other post of it) topic/post/however you say it of Charmed Here you can comment everything about the show and its sexy women cast, I mean, the sisters xD No Haters allowed to comment, if some hater comments on this, I'll just say a funny phrase...