Recent content by RatherImpossible

  1. R

    What game did you last play?!?!?!?

    Metroid Prime
  2. R


    Re: REQUESTS IN-PROCESS! ToDDy's Art thread! Let's a go! Yeah, sorry to hear about your aunt. My condolences. The new drawing looks excellent. Will look even better once Mason tweaks the quality.
  3. R


    Re: REQUESTS IN-PROCESS! ToDDy's Art thread! Let's a go! Wow... you're really talented. o_o I suck at drawing compared to you, man. Keep up the good work!
  4. R

    RatherImpossible's Graphics Gallery/Shop

    Welcome. I'm RatherImpossible, and I'm somewhat new to it, but I'm a GFXer. I mostly make signatures, but I can give you a good avatar if you want. I'll be using this thread to show my works and take requests from people who want sigs and/or avatars. Here's some examples of my work...
  5. R

    The official "Hi, I'm new here!" thread

    BOING! No problem. ;) Most thanks to all who welcomed me.
  6. R

    Favorite Pokemon

    C'mon. You can't doubt that gorgeous 'stache. But in all seriousness, my favorite type is Psychic, and my favorite Pokemon is Feraligatr. (Or just the Totodile line in general.)
  7. R

    Wii U

    Re: Wii 2? @悪の女神: That is a valid point, but like I said, the Wii puts out huge sales every day, so I doubt Nintendo would hang up their gloves on the 7th gaming generation so early. Besides, it seems like all of the Big 3 are going with a longer console lifespan this time around. Microsoft and...
  8. R


    Re: Put 10 songs you like a lot! "Champion Lance/PKMN Trainer Red Theme" - Pokemon HGSS "It Ends Tonight" - All-American Rejects "Who I Am Hates Who I've Been" - Relient K "Ocean Avenue" - Yellowcard "Only One" - Yellowcard "Basket Case" - Green Day "Bohemian Rhapsody" - Queen "More Than a...
  9. R

    Rate the User above avatar!

  10. R

    Rate the User above avatar!

  11. R

    Wii U

    Re: Wii 2? 1. I really doubt Nintendo would rush into the next console generation right away. The Wii and its games still top sales charts, so Nintendo has hardly milked the console for all its worth yet. It'll be at least a couple more years before a release; heck, even an announcement; IMHO...
  12. R

    The official "Hi, I'm new here!" thread

    I'm RatherImpossible. I'm a male, name and age unknown. I have varying interests, including Mario (no duh, Sherlock), Zelda, Pokemon, Ace Attorney, Mother/EarthBound, Mafia, and many others. I would hope to enjoy my time in this realm.
  13. R

    Most horrible food?

    Brussels sprouts. ;/ Also spinach, brussels sprouts, au-gratin potatoes, and potato salad. There's probably more... I'm a tad picky.