The future of Nintendo as a whole


The Metal Mario Mandarin
Mario Stuff
From now to the future, what do you want to see or expect to see from Nintendo in the upcoming years? :mario:
This might sound heretical but I'd love for Nintendo to start porting some of their games to PC in the future like Sony's started doing.

Obviously I wouldn't want or expect them to start releasing games day-and-date on both PC and their own console, but I'm talking them porting some of their popular titles that are a few years old to the PC.

IDK like obviously the Switch is a massive success and all that but Nintendo is a business and this could easily net them more money (plus it could be a good alternative for emulation for whatever titles they might release on PC in this hypothetical 'Be cool if Nintendo did this' scenario too, y'know?)
This might sound heretical but I'd love for Nintendo to start porting some of their games to PC in the future like Sony's started doing.

Obviously I wouldn't want or expect them to start releasing games day-and-date on both PC and their own console, but I'm talking them porting some of their popular titles that are a few years old to the PC.

IDK like obviously the Switch is a massive success and all that but Nintendo is a business and this could easily net them more money (plus it could be a good alternative for emulation for whatever titles they might release on PC in this hypothetical 'Be cool if Nintendo did this' scenario too, y'know?)
If the speed of NSO rollout is any indication by the time they ported Super Mario World I'd be dead
This might sound heretical but I'd love for Nintendo to start porting some of their games to PC in the future like Sony's started doing.

Obviously I wouldn't want or expect them to start releasing games day-and-date on both PC and their own console, but I'm talking them porting some of their popular titles that are a few years old to the PC.

IDK like obviously the Switch is a massive success and all that but Nintendo is a business and this could easily net them more money (plus it could be a good alternative for emulation for whatever titles they might release on PC in this hypothetical 'Be cool if Nintendo did this' scenario too, y'know?)
As long as they keep acting like dicks to modders, I'd rather them not bring their stuff to PC.
I see them making another console as an experiment. Maybe try their hand at VR again, correcting the mistakes of Virtual Boy.
Seconded, it's come along enough way where it's no longer an experiment, would be a success to copy Oculus.
But ofc Nintendo is Nintendo and they'll want to add their own gimmick somehow
I see the future of Nintendo being the way it's always been. New consoles and games, of course more movies with the success of the Super Mario Bros. movie, many successes and a few failures, experimenting with new technology-pretty much the same stuff we've seen with them for the last 40 years, but with new stuff we haven't seen before like the animated movies, and the stuff coming out always being better generally than what we've seen before with them both technologywise and marketingwise. They may stumble a few times along the way but as always they'll always pick themselves up and dust themselves off and keep on going until they hit it big with ANOTHER innovation. So yeah-I see Nintendo being in the future the same way it has always been, just like with all the other long-lasting companies out there. Well, actually, in general all companies because honestly they always conduct business the same way they always do forever. Well-unless it doesn't work anymore in which case they have to change things up. But generally I guess that's the way it is. What I'm basically saying is-businesswise-Nintendo will always be Nintendo.

I know that was kind of long but everything I said there is generally true. And a lot of it is based on both the present and past history of Nintendo itself.
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I actually hope they port games to PC sometime in the future, that would be awesome, but unfortunately unlikely. I also hope they return to the handheld/home console model, it allows for more optimized consoles and less compromising. I mean, I like the concept of the Switch and all, but I don't know if they could keep the hybrid model going after the Switch 2.
I also hope they return to the handheld/home console model, it allows for more optimized consoles and less compromising. I mean, I like the concept of the Switch and all, but I don't know if they could keep the hybrid model going after the Switch 2.
Nintendo will never return to having two separate SKUs because why would they?

Splitting their output between two different systems just cripples their output. This is not the days of things like the GameCube and GBA (or the Wii and DS, which is honestly the last time where Nintendo could manage to do this because of the much cheaper dev costs and much quicker dev time for both systems.) where Nintendo could reasonably manage both a home console and a handheld. Game development nowadays is expensive and games take longer to make, so why would Nintendo split their dev teams and resources to manage two consoles again - that'll just lead to the same situation as the Wii U and 3DS.

And I'm not talking about the commercial failure of the Wii U here, I'm talking about the infamous droughts that often plagued the Wii U when it came to first party games because Nintendo had to support development of two systems with (relatively speaking for Nintendo) expensive development costs. Nintendo has already shown that they cannot reasonably support two separate systems simultaneously these days.

Also Nintendo's home consoles were basically a financial albatross for them. With the exception of the Wii, where it's gimmicks and features made it catch on even among non-gamers and became a massive success, every single Nintendo home console was selling worse than the previous one and the whole market was becoming financially nonviable for them.

The closest thing you'd get to Nintendo having a separate handheld and console again is if they were to release something like a 'Switch Box' equivalent to the Switch Lite. Like how the Switch Lite is a handheld-only Switch, a 'Switch Box' would be a TV-only Switch that (obviously) always runs games in-docked mode but all the hardware inside is identical to all other Switch systems. You're not going to ever see Nintendo go back to having completely separate consoles and handhelds with their own unique hardware.
Also Nintendo's home consoles were basically a financial albatross for them. With the exception of the Wii, where it's gimmicks and features made it catch on even among non-gamers and became a massive success, every single Nintendo home console was selling worse than the previous one and the whole market was becoming financially nonviable for them.
Hopefully the Switch 2 will be a success just like the Switch 1 and the Wii. If it's as advanced as people say it is, it likely will be, and so it won't be another "Wii U".