Songs currently stuck in your head

"The Fish (Schindleria Praematurus)" - Yes
It's no exaggeration that I LITERALLY can't get these songs out of my head:

It haunts me, ever since I saw the season 2 finale last Sunday, this song just won't go away... It gives me goosebumps!
I can't post a video on here and I can only post links on the computer. So, I'm just gonna say them, and it's weird but not for me:
Nyan Cat
NSMBWii Castle Theme
NSMBWii Koopaling Battle Theme (love the Koopalings!!! ;D!)
After watching Avengers yesterday (Best super-hero movie to date, I might add), I just can't stop hearing this song (Not that it's a bad thing at all).

Cider Squeezy 6000.
I have a friend who is a closet pegasister(She obviously is one but denys it). I tried to annoy her by singing it over and over again.