Improv game: One-word story

So so far we have:

The end begins again after porple brutally sniffed Greg and kicked Posh into howmstar's plate. This was the ultimate war, Bollocks means nothing or potaters. Zero one

let's keep adding on to it.
Just so you know, Zero, "bollocks" is a British vulgar word. KP was just trolling. (I don't think he spelt it right though)


We now have: The end begins again after porple brutally sniffed Greg and kicked Posh into howmstar's plate. This was the ultimate war, Bollocks means nothing or potaters. Zero one is Homsar's twin is Mr. Pajama-man. Mega-man nearly pwned beetle in Voldemort's something around Kyrgyzstan.

The end begins again after porple brutally sniffed Greg and kicked Posh into howmstar's plate. This was the ultimate war, Bollocks means nothing or potaters. Zero one is Homsar's twin is Mr. Pajama-man. Mega-man nearly pwned beetle in Voldemort's something around Kyrgyzstan. Then, he ate