Excitebike World Rally



It's coming to WiiWare. Are you going to get it? I'm still deciding, but I may.

I heard about it... I got the original Excitebike on my Animal Crossing GameCube game, and I found it enjoyable. I'll probably get this when it comes out.

One thing I realized, though, is just how many franchises are getting a reboot through WiiWare. I've read about new Bonk and ClayFighter games in the works, plus there's Mega Man 9.

Personally, I'm looking forward to other reboots to classic games, such as Kid Icarus, among many others.
I'll probally get it. New installments in old series are pretty epic nowadays. (e.g. Punch-Out!! Wii, MOTHER 3, Megaman 9)
I agree. The first Excitebike was pretty fun, but I didn't play it much. The other one sounds a better, especially since it has Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection.