Issue 197

Hooded Pitohui

The Bird With Batrachotoxin
Core 'Shroom Staff
Awards Committee
Poll Committee
Hooded Pitohui
So how about those Awards, huh? We had an outstanding set of Awards ceremonies once again this year, and if you haven't checked them out yet, you should take some time to do that... after you get your weekend started with issue 197 of The 'Shroom, that is!

Yes, issue 197 is our typical post-Awards issue, so we're keeping it lower-key for this month, but we'll be shifting into high gear again soon, as issue 200 is right on the horizon! It's only three months away at this point, which means there's a little under three months to send us your special submissions! Luckily, Meta Knight has your back with a reminder on the easy steps to submitting and some ideas you can build off of. Bring that incredible passion and talent from Awards and help us make this milestone issue something truly spectacular!

Besides that, we have our usual slate of sections for you. Whether you want an update on the happenings on the wiki, want some Fire Emblem action, have eggnog on the brain, or want to check out some comics, we have what you're looking for and more! Go and enjoy it!